
free spirit jenny headband giveaway

oh, spring is in the air & doesn’t it feel marvelous? 

today i am here to share a little giveaway from one of my dear sponsors, free spirit jenny! jenny is such a gifted maker & blogger. if you haven’t noticed her little sidebar ad, it’s to the left of this post. stop by & visit her shop! i am smitten with her felt flower headbands & so excited to share them with you today!
i contacted jenny right when i found her work. her headbands are perfect for spring paired with a simple cardigan & jeans or a colorful dress.

jenny is kindly offering a headband of your choice in any color of your choice to one natalie creates reader! the one above is just the prettiest.
it’s easy peasy to enter. simply…
1. visit jenny’s shop!
2. like jenny on facebook or friend her on instagram @jennyvantland
2. comment below with your email address & one thing you plan to do during the spring season!
i will randomly choose a winner next friday, march 28th, & share that person’s name on this post! happy winning!

++ GIVEAWAY CLOSED++ congrats, jessica! jenny will email you soon 🙂

p.s. jenny is offering a coupon code of 20% in her shop to natalie creates readers! just enter Nat20 at checkout!

shop update today!

happy spring!

just a little reminder that the shop is open! stop by & purchase a set of happy flags or a cute headband in celebration of this new spring season!

the family table

when luke & i graduated with degrees in hand from missouri, we were confident that life would present itself with adventure. we were craving new opportunities & experiences in wisconsin, vermont or anywhere up north really. life happened as it does & we immediately landed in our home state of arkansas.
we had no idea adventure would happen here, in our home state, around the family table. 

it has been such a gift to land, settle & grow roots in luke’s hometown. our farm isn’t too far from my family & just three short miles from the home where luke grew up. every week you will find us around this table enjoying a meal together with luke’s family.

these are my people, my family. 
& i’m so happy we didn’t move to wisconsin.