
to do, to do.

Thanksgiving break was very wonderful, filled with relaxation, love, and family.

Now, as the holiday break is rapidly approaching, there is so much on my mind.
I need, must must MUST
– finish my papers
-finish holiday decorations & get ready for the Christmas party next Tuesday
-finish handmade gifts 
-send out Christmas cards
-spend time with my love before he leaves for break
& I need to eat dinner. I’m starvin’. 

Almost home!

The house is empty except for me & the two cats.

So, last night I cleaned the house (I hate to come home to filth) & worked on my paper. I’m 1/2 done. I finally feel like I’m on break!
Arkansas so soon!

“carousel”- iron & wine

At a rad 14 degrees outside, it makes it almost impossible to get out of bed & do anything. Luckily, today is the start of Thanksgiving break so I have no real need to be productive… except for a 6 page paper that’s haunting me to start. 
Everyone’s already left for break & I’m stuck at The Love Nest until Monday evening which creates a lot of spare time.
what to do, what to do:
  • read, read, read- What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey & Eat, Pray, Love  by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • knit a large portion of a scarf that is actually turning out o.k.
  • work on Christmas gifts
  • check out a few recipes I’ve been eyeing

Why I adore him 🙂