
& the winners are…

after many hours of deliberating & searching for negatives {i really need to organize my negatives in a binder!}, luke + i have chosen the photos for our booth at the {north village artist market} on october 10th! the photos above are mine that we will be selling in 5×7 size & postcards. i would really love to hear what you think…
also, i know some of you are not in the missouri area so if you would like to purchase a print or a postcard, just shoot me an email at njnwc3@mail.missouri.edu & i will mail it to you. the 5×7 prints are $10 & the postcards are $2.50.
finally, i plan to have a giveaway sometime in the near future in honor of my 100th entry on my blog… be lookin‘ out for that!

enjoy the rest of your week! tonight, i plan on enjoying some craft time with my favorite ladies!


a lovely few days…

i’ve been away from the internet for most of the weekend & it has been so nice. we caught up with a lot of things around the house & started working on ordering our prints for the {north village artists market}! if you’re in the columbia area, please come & visit us! we will be selling some of our prints + my beaded jewelry. this afternoon, i ordered some postcards from {this} company. i can’t wait to see them!
we made a lot of plans for the weekend but at the last minute decided to ditch them due to a friday morning incident i had with a flight of stairs. i am fine now, but i am sure there will be some bruising. we did manage, though, to have lunch with a group of friends at the holy road house- a house dedicated to agricultural activism & living suistainably. it was wonderful to see all of them & their daily lives. they have four chickens, an outdoor composting toilet, & have managed to turn off their hot water & only use cold for bathing. i made some photos so you’ll be able to see their beautiful home soon!

well, i hope the rest of your sunday is happy & filled with lots of love. i’ve got to finish some to-do’s before monday morning rolls around.


a crazy week…

hello, friday! i have never been more ready for the weekend than this weekend. one paper & one exam later, i am left feeling empty & uninspired. i haven’t picked up my camera once this week! i haven’t had time to make a blog entry that wasn’t written late at night with heavy eyes & nonsense thoughts. and throughout this week, i have realized that the days are becoming so short & my to-do lists too long. it is not that time has suddenly disappeared; it is my unwillingness to say “no” to plans & my inability to sit down & relax.
this weekend, though, we plan to celebrate autumn & all its beauty by evenings spent on the couch- knitting & sipping on hot apple cider. we also plan to get our lives back in order- do some laundry while reading a book, make a meal plan, & buy groceries. i also plan to pick up my good pal & make some photos.
it should be an excellent weekend!
