i haven’t had a life for the past week… well, three weeks, really. classes have consumed my life. i try to highlight the ups in my life on my blog, but there is nothing lovely or beautiful about a desk piled high with books & old coffee mugs, a girl who hasn’t had time to take a shower in three days, or the intense back aches from carrying around so much stress. so lets be honest, my life isn’t always about the latest cake i baked or the quiet time spent knitting. i’ve been a crazy lady.
but- luckily, i’m starting to feel some relief & see the light! i was able to clean the kitchen, scrub the bathroom, & organize the “office.” yesterday, for just a few minutes, i flipped through my wonderful copy of {3191: evenings}. it is so lovely. also, luke + i did manage to find little succulents {featured above}. we might be crazy, but we have named them & formed little personalities for them…yes, we’re crazy.
for the rest of the week, i plan to get life back in order. it is too short to run around mad, helplessly begging for a bit of time to do something not expected of you & failing miserably. life is about noticing & appreciating. that’s what i’m hoping for in these next few days.
but- two weeks ago, we were honored to have a little feast of sorts at the home of our dear friend & neighbor, {anna}. she’s an incredible cook with a quirky little attic apartment, filled with beautiful art, fresh flowers, & rows of spices + dried herbs. she’s wonderful & we had such a nice time.
& it has got me thinking about the importance of a community & close neighbors. our society is becoming too comfortable with staying cooped up in their own homes, protected by their privacy fences, & too afraid for others to walk on their manacured lawns. i’d like our lives & our home to be everything but that. when we have children, i’d like to live in a place built on relationships, community, & the comfort of family. sounds so nice…
well, it is becoming late & i have yet to even start my sunday chores. i hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend & feel refreshed for the busy week ahead.
i had great plans for this entry but unfortunately, life is still continuing to pull me in every direction & placing little obstacles in the way of any progress. luckily, it is friday!… which means a little relax time around here.
until then, i’d like to thank you all for entering my giveaway + all of your current inspirations.
& i’d like to congratulate the winner: {liz}!!
who said, “everything about this changing time, everything that encompasses fall – the way it awakens all of my senses, the things I remember and enjoy from falls past…these are inspiring me now…muted colors and old woolens, the pop of the reddening fall leaves, the yellows, the scent of apples on our table, the change in the air, the extra quilts on our bed, our babys first birthday around the bend… nothing compares to the way fall makes me feel…it’s really a special time for me!“
i will be emailing you soon with more details.
enjoy your friday!
i’ll be back tomorrow
ps. a lovely happy birthday to {tori}!! she’s the loveliest woman i know & her creative talent amazes me. I LOVE YOU!