
2009 a year in review: may- august





(photo by natalie jenkins)

i sometimes wonder what happened between may & august, but looking back at these photographs makes it much easier to remember the excitement, stress, new beginnings, & bittersweet moments of those months…

hiking in missouri & finding our first morel, eating one of the most delicious burritos at main squeeze, visiting a farm & eating fresh asparagus, floating with the bakery, baking the first of many delicious homemade pizzas from fresh in-season ingredients, GETTING MARRIED, visiting max patch (an oasis of sorts), traveling around asheville on our honeymoon, tasting the local flavors of every stop along the way of our roadtrip honeymoon, & coming back home to columbia & a place full of friends & love.

these months were beautiful. these months have changed my life. for the better.

thanks for reading.


2009 a year in review: january-april




inspired by {abby’s} {entry}, i have decided to review my year in photographs. these photos are not necessarily my “best,” but they are most definitely my favorites, bringing back the warmest of memories & the sweetest & most significant events from this year…

dusting off my film camera & exploring a new-found love for making photos, taking our first step toward marriage & a life forever spent together, times of depression but a spirit & Father who overcomes even the darkest of moments, a visit from a {best friend}, picking up bouquets of flowers just because, forming a deep relationship with a beautiful baby & a wonderful {friend}, a camping trip to southern missouri with the sweetest company, growing our starts & supporting our local farmer’s market, photographing a local store in columbia, & selling our photographs at our first craft show.

i am so thankful for these months & memories full of firsts, loves, & growth.

what are some of your memories of 2009?


merry christmas, friends!

this morning we drove to northern arkansas to be with luke’s family during the holidays. it is so nice to take a few days off from work & spend time with family. last night, luke & i exchanged gifts & stockings under the glow of our christmas tree & the light of the advent candles. luke surprised me with the sweetest gifts- lavender & chamomile bath scents, lavender-scented candles, & chamomile tea. it was such a thoughtful gift & such a wonderful time to be together. now, we’re surrounded by family & soaking in every moment of this peaceful season.
i wish you all the best during this holiday season!

lots of love,