
{this moment}

{this moment}
a photo project by the lovely, {soulemama}…a single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special, extraordinary moment. a moment that makes you want to pause, savor and remember.
i was very much inspired by her idea & will continue to post a “moment” every friday. if you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your “moment” in the comments for all to find and see.


a start to a good weekend!

{photos above from our trip to kansas city}

hi, all! today i am off from work & it feels so good. i ran a few errands, mailed a few packages, delivered flowers to friends, went to the studio to use the sewing machine for a bit, had lunch & wonderful conversation with a friend, & now… here i am.
tonight we are having {kelsey} over for valentine’s day festivities! dinner & a movie. it will be a great ending to the day.

enjoy your weekend! happy valentine’s day!
i’ll be over {here} tomorrow. make a visit!


a great weekend!

luke & i had such a great weekend. we worked at our day jobs for most of friday & saturday, but we had moments in between to reconnect from the busy week that seemed to fly by. on sunday, we ventured out around downtown & explored, admiring the many shop windows & lovely valentine decorations. we stopped by one of our favorite coffee shops & met our friend, {kelsey}, who made a few portraits for us for an upcoming project. afterwards, we launched our new {etsy shop} & made three sales throughout the day! we were so excited; we danced & screamed around the house for quite some time. we just love sharing our work with you!

& as the weekend ended… i was left with a few thoughts.
+ i am really feeling the need for close friendships with other women. i go day by day not noticing the lack of depth in my relationships, other than my relationship with luke. i spend a lot of time in my own thoughts. perhaps this week i should be more intentional about girls’ nights & coffee dates.
+ moments at home without the radio on or music playing is so nice. i need turn everything off more often.
+ but sometimes music is nice. {this}, for example, is perfect for nights in.


as for today- my class is canceled. i will be spending most of my time in the fibers studio, printing photographs onto cotton fabric & making a few stitches. but first- off to the post to drop off a few packages for our first etsy customers!

happy monday, friends!

ps. for a little inspiration, make a visit over to {here}. this started my day off just right.
