

i have been inspired, lifted & renewed by the richness of summer.
in the little moments of picking brown-eyed susans from our garden & placing them around the home.

in the quiet moments of brunch at our favorite spot in town.

in the excitement of receiving packages from {liam}, {abby} & {nate & katie}.

in the minutes just before work when i choose to water flowers instead of spending time online.

in the cooling hours of evening as we enjoy luke’s homemade cornbread & greens.

& the beauty of being outdoors as neighbors pass by & say hello.

& in the heat of the day as i pick strawberries

with a dear {friend} & venture home to make jam.

i am so thankful for these days.
i do not often write directly about my beliefs for fear, doubt & other reasons, but i truly have been left in awe these last few days. this morning as i talked to my mom on the phone, i was amazed at the way God reveals himself. it is really difficult to explain, but as i ended the conversation with my mom, a huge smile appeared on my face. he reveals himself in the beauty of a relationship between mother & daughter. he strengthens, encourages, renews, makes alive.
it brings me to tears, really.
yesterday evening as i was looking through some photographs that luke took, i stopped & focused on one in particular- a photo of potted tulips from this past spring brought peace to my heart. the shapes of each leaf, the softness of light, the foggy details etched on the pot… it really caught me by surprise & i was thankful.
He creates & He celebrates the little details in life.

i hope this long weekend brings you peace, friends.
thanks for reading.


thrift store goodies.

this past week, while {tori} was visiting, we made a few trips to my favorite thrift shops.
i really love thrifting. with everything that i pick up, i wonder…

what is the story behind this? who was the previous owner? where was this placed in their home? how did they use this?

& sometimes my thrift finds speak back to me… revealing little bits of their character:
faded red stains on a table cloth, worn edges of a handbag, a small crack on a teapot.

so, here are a few of the treasures i found:

a vintage wallet complete with old photographs + a pearl white pen.
“love, charles” is written on the top left photograph. my heart leaped when i saw it!
25 cents.

a vintage tie that i hope to screen print for luke.
50 cents.

vintage linens that will be made into bread bags, a quilt {hopefully!} & other projects.
25 cents each.

enjoy your day!
we are leaving for brazil in six days {!!!} & there are many things to check off the list before leaving. if you haven’t yet, head on over to {him + her}. i especially like our entry for this week.


a few {this moments}

last week’s {this moment}
a photo project by the lovely, {soulemama}…a single photo – no words – capturing a moment. a simple, special, extraordinary moment. a moment that makes you want to pause, savor and remember.
i was very much inspired by her idea & will continue to post a “moment” every friday. if you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your “moment” in the comments for all to find and see.

*** this week i am posting three moments that make me pause, savor & remember.
we’ve had a busy, busy week. it is nice to pause for a bit more.
