luke & i woke up slowly, cuddled under our warm blankets.
light filled our home & flakes danced along our window panes.
after a long walk & a visit to our neighbor’s home, we hurried inside with wet socks & hungry bellies. time to dig through the pantry, make a hearty soup & some homemade biscuits.
now, a little side story {but absolutely necessary}- when one of my {close friends} lived here, she would always comment on her quick & easy biscuits that she would make for her family on the weekends. as soon as she left, i set out to find my own biscuit recipe in honor of her & also my craving to find a weekend biscuit of my own.
my go-to cookbooks are always from the mennonite community. i appreciate their views on holistic eating & the enjoyment of eating together. their cookbooks, {simply in season} & {more-with-less} are used for dinners most nights around here. so naturally, when i set out for the perfect recipe, i looked at these two cookbooks & of course, i found what i was looking for.
i hope you enjoy this recipe. it was inspired by the “basic biscuits” recipe from the {more-with-less} cookbook & adapted to fit our family preferences.
natalie’s buttermilk biscuits, inspired by her good friend jess & more-with-less
{makes 10-12 large biscuits}
preheat oven to 425 degrees
sift together in bowl-
2 c. flour {part wheat & other part white}
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp salt
cut in-
1/4 cup vegetable shortening
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup whole milk
{you can use all whole milk if you do not have any buttermilk on hand}
stir until soft ball is formed
looking forward to sleeping in & snuggling with the boys tomorrow.
i’ll also be back with what’s been up in the past week.
see you soon!
thanks to the sunlight for showing itself in our home.
thanks to huck for greeting us so merrily each & every day.
thanks to the bakery for providing us with jobs that bring us both happiness & friendships.
thanks to my parents for showing me what it means to live with little as a young girl.
thanks to my husband for supporting me in all of my pursuits.
thanks to the Father for the beauty in His creation.
thanks to good food & friends to share it with.
thanks to {my best friend} for growing up with me.
thanks to wool socks for keeping my toes warm.
thanks to {her} for good cake & “little minutes.”
thanks to iron & wine for starting my day off just right.
thanks to craft club ladies who encourage & inspire.
thanks to coffee…
thanks to YOU! for reading my rants in this space & supporting me.