
in the studio

this week’s been full of something i can quite put my finger on. that something that leaves me fighting back tears in the line at the grocery store & while making dinner at home.

so i cleaned my studio & brought in some of my favorite things- a floral chest, a handmade banner, a worn quilt made by my great grandmother & a bouquet of flowers from the garden.

i hope i can soon get back into the rhythm of life & its ups & downs.

hi! the weekend was full of absolute love. we spent our days close to family & dearly missed friends. we savored local bakery treats & talked among the many booths of arts & crafts at the fair. there was even a bit of karaoke late in the night- “this land is your land” sang by yours truly!

we managed to get in a bit of relaxing during the long weekend, too. reading the help (love!) & watching little basil in the garden were among two of my favorite parts of the day. enjoy your week. i’m sure i’ll be back soon.



your thoughts on my recent post were such an encouragement. thank you! i have been busying myself with work around the home & finding absolute peace in it all. this week i froze cherries, red bell peppers & tomato soup for the upcoming seasons. i dried some herbs & re-organized the pantry. the flowers are blooming & the light in the morning reminds me that fall is near. luke brought home a basket of pears & my mind is dreaming up what delicious syrups & jams could be made with such delicious local treats.

this weekend we are looking forward to a quiet friday evening, a bluegrass & crafts fair with sweet friends on saturday & a birthday to celebrate 92 years of grandad’s life on sunday! enjoy that extra lazy day on monday & happy friday!



ps. have you seen this, this & this? summer is still here, friends.