
it’s a moving sale! bring your quarters & take a look. we have muffins & cookies for friends!

change! big change!

good evening, friends. it has been awhile. almost a month, really. our days have been filled with daily to do lists, long evenings in the garden, fresh dinners on the patio & change. big change!
in 10 days we are moving to luke’s hometown, fayetteville, in northwest arkansas. we have already set roots in this sweet little community tucked away in the ozark mountains – we drive sixty miles to attend church with luke’s family every sunday! i sell my photography & jewelry at a handful of shops & i 
co-curate a {craft show} there every winter. i am smitten with this sweet town & the people we already know & love there. 
here’s where it gets a little tricky, as it always does. i received an amazing job opportunity with {NCAT} via americorps. i will work as a support volunteer to the office & several projects focusing on sustainable food systems in northwest arkansas. i am very excited to work with the {snap gardens} to educate & promote future food. of course, i couldn’t ask luke to leave his job, a two hour drive from our new home. so, he’ll be living on the farm part-time & spending his weekends in our home. it already feels so hard & i often find myself lost in thought at the stoplight feeling all teary about not having him at home most evenings.
this past year, though, i’ve learned that i’m incredibly strong. we’re incredibly strong. our last three years of marriage have prepared us for this adventure- many opportunities to practice healthy communication & share our struggles & weaknesses. our strengths & gifts, too. i am thankful for his partnership & will rely on it even more as we make this transition.
at this time, i don’t know what to expect or feel or how to even prepare. we’re packing up all of our belongings, saying goodbye to our garden {i will miss it more than anything here}, cleaning up our life in this town & beginning anew- once more.

just us.

happy weekend!