i have the baking bug. i baked mav’s {sure-proof blueberry muffins} & substituted the frozen blueberries for peaches. she’s right, it’s all about the stirring. luke’s birthday party is tomorrow. i am baking his {favorite chocolate cake} with {chocolate icing} tonight. i always add raspberry preserves between cake layers for good measure. i might also bake my {chocolate chip cookies} or perhaps an apple pie. it will be a simple party- a potluck, good beer, a fire for roasting marshmellows & maybe some chicken cuddling time. happy weekend!
oh yes, share some of your favorite baking recipes. it’s better to have the bug with others than alone, after all.
i think film should be a love language. as luke & i say around our house, it fills up my “love tank.” it’s good for my soul to slow down for each photo & capture that grainy moment without any edit or delete button. over the last week or so i’ve captured some of the small moments in our kitchen. it’s a busy little room brimming with fermenting foods, dirty dishes, farmers’ market & garden fresh vegetables, mugs half full & jars of grains. i hope you aren’t already exhausted from my green cabinets… they just make me so happy to photograph. here’s a little tour-
good morning! just stopping by today to let you know you have just one more week to {purchase} a six-month subscription to {print:: a year in film}. this project is so dear to my heart & has been hugely successful in large part because of readers like you! in the midst of transition & many challenges along the way, i have found peace each month in sharing something beautiful or a simple quiet moment in word & film. i hope you will come along for this creative adventure.
i have decided that this will be my last subscription offered. i am so thankful for the experience & the richness this creative project has brought to my life. also, the intentionality of picking up my film camera & making photos is invaluable. of course, this is simply a chapter & i know i will look back on this one year project in a meaningful way. thank you for all of the love & support in making this all a reality!
if you would like to purchase a six-month subscription to print:: a year in film, you can purchase it from our {etsy shop}. it is being offered at a discounted price of $50 {including shipping within the united states} until september 3rd.