if you hang around long enough, you will most likely find jars of vegetables fermenting on our counter or a crock on the shelf boasting a large amount of kraut. open our fridge & i promise, the bottom shelf is strictly designated for fermentations only. all the work of my husband & his love for good bacteria, probiotics, healthy gut flora & foods that are alive.
come over for a beer & conversation often leads to a bit of farming, growing your own food & luke’s love of sandor katz. stay until deep into the night & the wee early hours of the morning & you will find luke chopping vegetables & creating the perfect brine long after i’ve fallen into a sleepy slumber.
a few sundays ago, i found him packing up fermented pickles into large ball jars. the whole process is incredibly beautiful to me – his love for it all & the vibrant colors – so i snuck around capturing a few moments. the leaves? yes, gleaned from our backyard & promised to keep the pickles crunchy.
i am not the expert here- in fact, let me just share with you his thoughts on fermentation right now-but i do notice those little stacks of books next to his nightstand & the very important reference books on his desk.
here are just a few all about fermenting, brewing & making with food:
we celebrated a day of rest on sunday, at home together. we read, i baked. luke fermented some vegetables from the farm & huck took a nap. i made a delicious salad of local arugula & luke warmed up eggplant parmesan leftovers in the oven. i stayed in bed for a good long time while luke did a bit of journaling on the front porch.
we have been thinking a lot about taking a day of rest each week, a sabbath. we decided to commit to six weeks of intentional rest on sunday as a sort-of experiment in our home. i have already noticed in myself a hesitancy to rest, a difficulty to trust that my to-do list will be checked off another day. i recently read somewhere, pinterest perhaps, this quote: “stop the glorification of busy.” it really stuck with me, got me thinking, made me stop. i often glorify busy as some sort of earned title. if my calendar is filled up & i’m still working on sunday, i must be successful. let’s be honest, though. my day of rest was much more enjoyable than a sunday of emails & laundry. my computer doesn’t need to see me more than my husband. turning a page of a book is much more comforting than opening a new tab. i’m tired of busy.
so instead of pinning delicious recipes of peach preserves, i actually preserved. it’s been far too long & my canning supplies were tired of gathering dust in the garage. i spent the evening chopping, boiling, simmering, mashing, & sealing peaches into ten jars of peach butter. perfect on top of sunday morning’s biscuits.
i want to share a bit of my sunday’s rest with you. comment below with any thoughts you might have about today’s entry or any experiences you have with setting aside a day for rest. i’ll mail one lucky reader a jar of peach butter along with a few surprises & a handwritten note.i’ll choose a winner on thursday morning, september 20th, & mail the package the following monday, september 24th. i’m excited to hear your thoughts! closed!
luke’s party was so much fun! all of our friends were here with good brew & delicious food. we roasted marshmallows for s’mores & drank wine from mason jars. throughout the night i overheard several conversations around the topics of fermented foods, gardening, brewing beer & various art related things. these are my people.