my favorite goal this month is reading & finishing one book. it seems so small, but for my lifestyle, it can be a bit challenging. i love books, but finishing a book is really my problem. i go from one issue/topic/title to another & never read that final page. “have you read such & such?” “yes, the first fifty pages of (insert really great book here)!”
a lot of folks in this space & instagram have asked what book i picked up. i haven’t finished yet (hey! i still have 8 days left!), but i thought it might be of some interest to you to know. this month i chose 7: an experimental mutiny against excess by jen hatmaker.
i love this book & it has radically changed my life & perspective in a really quiet way. let me explain. this book is ultimately about fasting from excess to allow more room for God to move. jen & her family “took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day disease of greed, materialism & overindulgence.“
i am very intentional about not sharing my spiritual life in a way that you as a reader might find uncomfortable. of course, if you read between the lines i hope you find that i do have that inner peace that is found in a higher being. above all, my choice to live an intentional life is rooted in God. my husband and i believe that we are to care for the earth, protect our resources & use them wisely, grow food & care for our neighbors because in the beginning, we were called as humans to do so.
all of that being said, this book has quietly, yet radically, changed my life because instead of choosing to strip myself of all of my possesions & live in a cardboard box, i am asking myself at the store, “do i really need that?” i haven’t quit my job to serve in a small village overseas, but my perspective on how i can meet others needs here with my unearned privileges & overabundance of resources has radically shifted. in my own quiet way, i am finding ways to give rather than purchase, make rather than consume, resist rather than give in.
& i believe that’s the whole point of 7. how do we share community, live fuller lives, raise families & work where we are without giving it all up because of guilt or frustration for what we have & others don’t? i think it’s through our daily, intentional choices & challenging ourselves to fight the excess- to really investigate where our possessions are made & our food is grown, to find ways to meet the needs of our neighbors & love them, to use our time effectively so we can live lives that bear good fruit.
i am excited about reading the final pages of this book. i hope you’ll pick it up, too.
we retreated to a cabin near the lake for our annual family retreat. luke’s family began this tradition when he was just a wee tot & now that i have been added to the family, it’s my favorite tradition of all- one that we will adopt when we have a family of our own. luke’s mother & i dreamed this weekend of one day having the families of all of the siblings gathered together to dream up what that year might hold. for now, though, we snuggle together, all seven of us, to dream & set goals & enjoy each other’s company.
we played games (monopoly deal, anyone?), made sushi rolls & had dessert with (almost) every meal. i knitted while luke ordered medicinal herb seeds for our summer garden. we napped & took early morning walks while it was still dark.
what a wonderful year it has been & will continue to be.
this evening we are leaving for our family retreat & heading to a cabin nearby. we gather with luke’s parents & siblings each year, exchanging goals for the new year & reflecting on the previous. we draw & read, snack & talk, hike & play outdoor games. it’s truly the most relaxing weekend & i savor it every year.
since my first family retreat a little over three years ago, i’ve slowly perfected my packing essentials & would like to share some of those with you. if you happen on an opportunity to unplug in a cabin with loved ones, this packing list is for you!
1. snacks & tea. luke’s parents are often the ones responsible for our menu (each meal voted on & agreed by the majority with special modifications for the extra picky), but i like to surprise the family with a few snacks & special drinks. this year i am bringing popcorn with fun toppings & my favorite chocolate chip cookies when a sweet treat is needed. i also like to bring an assortment of teas along with a few of my favorite mugs to make our space feel a little more ‘at home.’
2. layers. the weather is often unpredictable so i bring a small zip-up bag of comfortable layers. i always pack a pair of jeans for hiking along with my favorite wool sweater with wooden buttons. i like to bring a handful of shirts, including my long-sleeve striped shirt & a few neutral colored v-neck t-shirts to layer on top. i always pack thick socks & slippers to cozy up on the couch along with a few hand knits for walks with my camera.
3. books & projects & cameras. i love having a few projects on hand for those quiet moments in-between family time & meals. i always bring a book & my latest knitting project. this year i am also packing a small canvas bag of scrapbooking materials to finish our vacation photo book (more on that later!) from this summer. of course, let’s not forget the several rolls of film & the three cameras i am carrying along to capture those special moments.
i am excited to see what this year’s retreat brings! see you monday, friends!