friends, it is a new season at tend! stop by & celebrate with us! there is an amazing group of women sharing their gardens with you this year – amy, shari, julia & our newest contributor, abby! i absolutely adore our new banner created by our sweet friend, heather! i just love tend. it’s a place where we can share our gardens grown with our own hands & cultivated with simple tools & modest budgets.
this beautiful monday morning, i simply want to take a moment & soak in our beautiful easter hike. here is just a peek at the beauty right outside our door.
it was so refreshing to unplug for the afternoon & go for a hike. i was amazed by the bright new colors of this wonderful spring season. the waterfalls, mossy rocks, bright flora, lush ferns & wooded forests were inspiring & cleared my mind from the clutter of everyday life. with my favorites by my side, it was the perfect ending to a joyful weekend.
there are really no words to describe this deep, rich, beautiful community of fellow bloggers & instagram friends that i have the privilege of sharing life with everyday. even if we are sharing life miles & miles apart.
today i simply want to say thank you.
every evening when luke & i sit down to dinner & share our days with one another, i always have something to share about you. emails of encouragement flooding my inbox after i shared a bit of my struggles with all of you. a beautifully-crafted package to brighten my day. a simple text message just to say “hello” & check-in. gorgeous, inspiring photos of your lives. blog posts that bring about a change in my thinking & way of living. an invitation to share the weekend with you & a bunch of other amazing ladies.
i often have a hard time sharing my “online life” with my day-to-day life, or “real life,” but this community is worth sharing! it might seem a bit odd from an outsider’s perspective, but to me, you all are a bunch of inspiring, amazing people who i call dear friends. thank you for challenging, encouraging & inspiring me each day!