
making busy better

may is busy, busy. i can already feel it. although it’s all so exciting, the days are really filling up & leaving me a bit more irritated & sleepy. instead of simply hoping for the best, i am making little changes that will make a difference in the bustling month ahead. i thought i would share some of my ideas with you…
1. get outside! even if it’s for a few minutes or an hour, i am soaking up this perfect weather & beautiful spring green by spending time outdoors. i am choosing to work outside on the front porch this month & taking little evening walks.
2. drink water & lots of it. i am participating in a food challenge for the next six weeks & we are required to drink three liters of water. water makes me feel better & it’s one of the easiest things we can do to take care of our bodies. fill up that water bottle & bring it with you wherever you may go.

3. make time for a happy activity. my happy activity is collecting the eggs from the chicken coop. your happy activity may be knitting or reading for ten minutes before bed. whatever it may be, make time for you & soak up those few moments of happy.

4. create a morning ritual. this month, i am choosing to drink my coffee slowly. without email in front of my face. i am choosing to pray, meditate, greet my husband & savor my five minute morning ritual with coffee in hand. 
5. protect your time. during this month of busy, i am allowing myself to say no. my weekends are sacred this month & i plan to rest in them. saying no allows for more time to say yes! yes to naps! yes to resting! yes to you!
6. don’t worry. most of all & above all else, don’t worry. i am repeating this to myself this month. if i drop the ball, it will still be ok. if i can’t do my very best at everything, my husband will still love me.

how do you make a busy day or month a little better?

colorado adventures

“we’re going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.” 

this morning i am boarding a plane to meet a bunch of women i have never met before. through online conversations, photos shared of everyday life & packages mailed across state lines, we have all created such deep friendships. sara emailed us out of the blue one day in february & suggested we all meet at her home for a weekend of art making, yoga, thrifting, coffee & good conversation. of course i said yes!

 my online life is only a small piece of our everyday happenings (both beautiful & really ugly). it’s terrifying to imagine revealing the not so blog-worthy quirks of my personality & identity to these precious women i dearly admire. of course, just like close dear friends, they’re all imperfect & incredibly loving & tell you how amazing you are just when you need those kind words. so, this weekend we are going to let truth scream louder in our souls than any insecurity ever could.

ladies, i will see you soon (!!!!)!

winter roasted kale salad: a recipe

it seems like every week there is a new baby among our dear friends. i love this spring season of new life – so much sweetness & new baby cuddles. we have a tradition of bringing our sweet mamas & papas a meal in their first few weeks of parenthood. we find so much joy in loving our friends in this way & it’s the perfect excuse to hold that new baby!
i want to share with you a meal that i made for our friends this week. it might just be the inspiration you need for getting a yummy dinner on the table this evening or on your meal plan next week!

my good food pinterest board serves as my place for inspiration when the cookbooks just aren’t doing it. i found this winter roasted kale recipe a few months ago, and i am hooked. it is absolutely delicious & perfect in any season that kale is abundantly growing. i substituted the tempeh for heirloom purple sweet potatoes from the farm last fall. i’m not a big soy fan, but i wanted a bit more substance to the salad so the sweet potatoes were a perfect substitute.

i also made salmon cakes, a go-to favorite around our home. 
simply beat one egg in a bowl. add chopped parsley and chopped green onions. you can add bread crumbs if you would like, but i prefer my cakes gluten-free. add a can of sustainably-harvested salmon (pick out the bones first in a separate bowl). mix well. heat up a bit of olive oil in a skillet on medium high heat. scoop a handful of the salmon mixture from the bowl & lightly squeeze to remove any extra liquid. form into a patty shape & add to hot skillet. cook for 4 minutes & flip to other side, cooking for another 4 minutes. serve warm alongside the kale salad.

for dessert, we served up some strawberries from the farm. i cannot believe my luck in that my husband now works with organic fruit!

package up your meal sweetly & add a bouquet. your friends will be thankful, i promise.