
julia’s rhubarb syrup

i almost fell out of my seat when i read julia’s post about rhubarb syrup on tend a couple of weeks back. we are a simple syrup loving family & enjoy experimenting with different, unique ingredients. i had walked past our rhubarb several times wishing for just a couple of hours to roll out a homemade crust, chop some rhubarb & bake a strawberry rhubarb pie. in the midst of buying a farm & moving, that just was not going to happen anytime soon. instead, i harvested a basket of rhubarb & made julia’s wonderful rhubarb syrup.

you can find her recipe here. i skipped out on the ginger (not a fan. weird, i know) & still loved the taste. it is slightly sweet & perfect with sparkling water or club soda. just a note: when you strain the rhubarb, it will look like mush. that is a good sign!
ahhh, the perfect beverage while packing boxes…

our backyard flock + our coop is for sale!

we have had quite a bit of chicken heartbreak recently so i wanted to dedicate today’s post to our sweet little backyard flock! we lost a handful of girls this spring due to severe weather & possible predators. the above girls were our little survivors. because we spend so much time with our girls, we quickly begin to notice their unique personalities & little quirks. the coop was beginning to feel a bit empty with just our little group of seven gals. 
when a dear friend heard of our chicken loss, she immediately emailed me & offered to give us some of her girls she hatched & raised on her farm. just a side note: i have really great friends. of course we said yes! she brought them by this past weekend & our coop is finally back to it’s normal, lively state! 

my heart nearly popped when i met these sweet ladies, held by their previous mama from day one. we look forward to growing our flock when we move onto the farm, but for now it is so wonderful having a little flock in our backyard, all named & all dearly loved.
if you would like to learn more about raising chickens in your backyard, i would recommend chick days by jenna woginrich. it’s a wonderful introductory book & makes raising chickens easy & fun! 

in addition, because we are upgrading to a large barn at the farm, we are selling our handmade coop that was custom built by my husband! this coop is dear to our hearts as it has housed our little flock for nearly two years! it is made of sturdy wood, painted the sweetest yellow color, with a metal roof. the coop is 3 ft x 6 ft with an attached 6 ft x 6 ft run. the coop is on wheels & serves as a wonderful chicken tractor. we are asking $500. we would be thrilled to share our knowledge of raising chickens with you & happy to help in any way as you pursue your chicken adventures! if you are local, please email me at natalie.j.freeman(at)gmail.com so we can chat! 

telling stories

today i want to share with you some of my most recent photography work – family portraits. i have shied away from this work in the past, only taking on small projects here & there, because i didn’t yet feel comfortable in my own abilities as a photographer. recently, though, my confidence in my work has grown & i have embraced my role as a storyteller behind the camera.

i absolutely love the process of photographing these beautiful families & sharing their unique stories in images. it is such a gift & i am so thankful to have the opportunity to capture such sweet & intimate moments.
if you are local & would like to talk about photo sessions, please email me at natalie.j.freeman(at)gmail.com! i would love to sit with you over a cup of coffee & talk!