just stopping by quickly to wish everyone a wonderful 4th of july weekend!
this weekend we are floating a river nearby with dear friends & family. i cannot wait to share with you our little road trip! until then, you can follow along on instagram @nataliecreates.
july, we have been waiting for you. we are so excited to meet you & honestly, we thought we might have to wait many more years to finally say that this is the month we are purchasing our first home. this is such a blessing to our family. we are thankful.
june, you were really good to us. you provided that much needed rest we all really craved. we succeeded in june. we soaked up summer with watermelon on the front porch, dinners outside, farm parties & camp outs in the back of our old truck. i am continuing to run. 11.5 lb. down & counting. & we definitely simplified. almost every closet is cleaned out & every bit that we won’t use in the next month is packed away for our new home.
in july, we will take advantage of these first few weeks before farm animals & farm life. we will soak up this wonderful long weekend with a little summer getaway to the river. summer sausages wrapped up in whole wheat buns on the fire, coffee in the wee morning hours, good friends, a borrowed canoe & several days of floating bliss. once we return, we will begin turning our simple 1980s house into a home. along the way, we will appreciate this change, the many blessings of this time, & have a whole lot of fun.
july holds so much for our little family. we are taking a few days off & floating the river. we are harvesting baskets full of eggplant, summer squash & our favorite sungold cherry tomatoes from the garden. we are eating fresh dinners outside & enjoying big slices of watermelon together on the front porch. we are buying our very first home this month, too.
we have packed up most of our items we do not absolutely need in the next month, sold those extra bits that kept us from living simply & for now, we are living with only the necessities. the walls are bare, our rooms hold a little less stuff & we are feeling much lighter.
this morning, i simply want to share with you the quiet moments of this morning as i made our bed, scribbled down some notes for this week’s meal plan, noticed the light – my favorite part of this home that i will sure miss – & sewed on a few buttons for an upcoming project (more details soon, i promise). i am thankful for this quiet morning as the rest of july will for sure be packed & full of so much.