
natalie creates shop is open!

oh, what a happy day it is!

just a little reminder that the etsy shop has reopened!

thank you!

november goals

in november 2013, i will:
– work smart
– plan lunches
– be thankful
november, you’re here already? october was sweet, but it seemed to really fly by. i’m almost certain i blinked & turned the page to a new month. in october, i traveled a lot. even with all of our traveling, i managed to plan our dinners & stay within our budget most of the month. we had our first frost so luke made mountains of pesto from our productive basil. i honestly didn’t do well at saving. that will always be a struggle for me. 
november is full of so much promise! december will bring two craft shows & the rush of holiday shopping so i am planning ahead with my handmade production. i plan to work smart & schedule time to focus on my business, which i am really excited about. (heads up! the shop reopens at 9 am on november 6th! i sold out of cozies the first day i opened so make sure to write it down on your calendar if you’re interested in making a purchase!)
i will also plan lunches. i spoke with a girlfriend this past weekend who shared some ideas for healthy lunches. i typically get in a rut of eating junk, skipping lunch or loading on the calories with dinner leftovers. this month i will plan healthy lunches of crock pot vegetable soups, salads & turkey sandwiches. one step closer toward a more balanced lifestyle… i can dig that!
finally, our family will be thankful this month. i crafted up a little jar with slips of paper for writing down one thing each day we are thankful for throughout the month of november. it’s important & necessary to cultivate a heart of thanksgiving & what better time of year than now to do so?
november, we’re ready for you!
what are your goals for november? please share!

war eagle 2013 – a family tradition continues!

oh yes, i am alive & well. over a week of silence! i am so sorry. it’s just sometimes those dishes & that pile of laundry & the growing to do list & two weekends away from home & a crazy schedule ahead means there aren’t enough hours & the days are full. 
a good full, though.
a few weekends ago, we had our annual war eagle weekend trip! it was a small group this year, but we had equal amounts of fun as any year! you can see the previous trips here & here. war eagle weekend is my favorite family tradition – one that involves the women from our family & lots of shopping, good food, laughter & relaxation. i always leave recharged, inspired & full of new ideas. 

i purchased more than i ever have before. it’s so exciting having a home that you see yourself living in for many, many years to come. i made a list earlier in the summer for the perfect items i just might find at war eagle. several goodies were crossed off the list, including a fireplace mantel & a few home decor bits (photos to come, i promise!).
this year the junk was good, the crafts wonderfully unique & the place popped with color. i thought i’d share some of my favorite finds…
– BOOK letters!! eeep! i purchased “L” & “N” for our home. 
– little dresses for wee girls made from vintage linens & a table with clock faces! oh my, so inspiring.
– of course, this inspired me to make these with my sweet school gardeners. heart melt.
– and of course, i cannot forget my dear friend, vanessa’s booth. my favorite booth of all. ever. this year i even had a sneak peek of her work in her garage the day before. i almost snuck over with a mask that evening & stole every little bit. it’s just that good. 

i came away with a necklace, a ring & mosaic seasonal trees. her jewelry is something new that she’s been working on & it’s seriously drool worthy. you can find her shop, the mosaic butterfly, right here. she’s an amazing friend, an incredible person & a wickedly talented crafts lady. love her.

and of course, we couldn’t go home without a stop in the old fashioned candy shop!

a wonderful retreat with my favorite ladies. let the countdown to next year begin!
p.s. happy halloweeeeeen!!