I run out of fingers & toes counting the bounty of blessings poured out when I reflect on this wild & precious life. Thankful doesn’t even cut it, y’all.
Today is my birthday. As I thought about how I wanted to celebrate this day & upcoming year, I was pulled to the art of list-making. The past 28 years have been full & wonderful, brimming with the good stuff & lots of learning. I want to make sure that as I enter into another decade, I’ve soaked up every last ounce of my 20s.
So I introduce you to 30 BEFORE 30 – a list of 30 things I want to see, do, eat, experience & more before turning 30 years old. Some items on my list are simple & small while others are big & will require continued work. Some of the items on my list I’ve experienced before & want to make sure I experience more of while others are firsts. It’s a list I’ve been working on for many weeks & I cannot wait to start tackling it… NOW!
30 BEFORE 30
1. Breakfast out with Luke during the middle of the week just because
2. Get a facial
3. Play bingo!
4. Sit on a beach with a fruity drink in hand
5. Reach Lifetime at Weight Watchers
6. Take a pottery class
7. Get my first tattoo
8. Visit the desert
9. Go out to coffee with my parents
10. Watch a sunset
11. Cruise country roads with the Jeep top down
12. Unplug for a day
13. Bonfire in the backyard
14. Spend a weekend at the lake house
15. Watch a movie at the Drive-In
16. Hike a mountain
17. Create a backyard oasis
18. Spend the afternoon in a hammock with a good book
19. Bicycle on the trails
20. Go Berry Picking
21. Surprise a friend with a bouquet of flowers
22. Picnic dinner in the park
23. Eat tacos at our favorite taqueria
24. Make homemade face masks
25. Spend a morning at yard sales
26. Go to New York City with Luke
27. Host Aunt Camp
28. Learn to drive a stickCheck!
29. Bake a pie
30. Go swimming at the river
What’s on YOUR list? Have you ever accomplished something like this? Share below!
Friends, it’s that time again. The time to reflect on the previous year & dream up goals for the next. It is indeed one of my favorite times – I’m naturally a goal setter, a dreamer. I love regularly checking back & tracking my progress as I move forward.
And I firmly believe this mixed with a little magic, grace & luck has led us to where we are now.
One simple way I channel my dreams & visions for the new year is by picking one word. This word acts as my anchor throughout the months, consistently calling me to be intentional in my actions, choices, words & habits.
In 2013, I chose Joy. In 2014, I lived out Quality. In 2015, my one word was Pursuit. In 2016, the word Provision rang true in my life. In 2017, Peace was my anthem.
2017 was undoubtedly a hard year for so many of us. I was so thankful for the word Peace & just how transformative it was in my every day life. As I write this, tears well up just thinking of how much I grew & learned from this year.
I learned to quiet myself & listen a little more (though I have so much more work to do in this area). I softened my temper & resisted the need to argue back. I fully healed from a difficult business relationship & retreated when I felt myself growing weary.
I have so much work to do still, but I am thankful for what 2017 taught me.
And as I cast a line out into the great waters of what 2018 might be, I am drawn to the word Better.
I have established many healthy habits & tools in my life – what might it look like if I dedicated an entire year to better utilizing those tools & better establishing those habits? I’m not looking to add more to my life, I’m simply working toward bettering those systems already in place.
Below are some areas of my life in need of fine tuning:
1. My health journey – As I draw closer & closer to earning Lifetime as a Weight Watcher (which simply means achieving a livable & obtainable weight goal set by me & my doctor), I want to challenge myself to better my eating habits & pay attention to what my body needs. I hope to keep accountable by sharing my journey more openly online. Stay tuned for more on this as the year unfolds…
2. Movement – I have joined a new gym & really look forward to getting back into a sustainable fitness schedule. I plan to try out a handful of classes & look forward to finding something I actually enjoy rather than dreading those 30 minutes dedicated to activity. This area will be the hardest for me as I often tell myself I don’t have enough time or it’s not important. I’d love to read your strategy on how you make activity a daily part of your life.
3. Work – I learned SO MUCH in 2017 at Freckled Hen Farmhouse. I look forward to putting into place what I learned & making our little shop a richer, better experience for our patrons in 2018. I am excited to lead as a more confident boss & better our systems to make Freckled Hen a more sustainable business. I plan to take a business retreat with Luke to really write out & think up how we might put this all into action. Just the thought makes me giddy!
Friends, what’s your word for 2018? How has choosing one word each year impacted your life? Please do share all of your thoughts in the comments.
With the arrival of August comes the desire to make little habit changes that are sure to positively affect the coming season.
One habit that I’ve made room for in my daily rhythm is listening to podcasts. I usually listen while I clean the house, run errands & complete repetitive tasks for work. It’s an enjoyable way for me to pass the time while staying productive. I also love the conversations that come about with Luke (a podcast junkie!) & friends simply from what I’ve heard.
Today I thought I’d share just a handful of podcasts I thoroughly enjoy. I’d also love to read your favorites, too, as I am hoping to add a few more to my weekly rotation! Enjoy!
– How I Built This: I love entrepreneurial podcasts that inspire me to do my work better. I am so motivated by the stories on this podcast of amazing entrepreneurs who built successful businesses all the while taking big risks & often times failing along the way.
– Elise Gets Crafty: Another entrepreneurial podcast but all about small business. I have actually been interviewed by Elise twice (here & here) so I may be a little biased (ha!), but I love the work that Elise is doing to shed light on the gifts & hardships of being a small business owner & creative.
– Happier with Gretchen Rubin:I am fascinated by habits & the power of choice. I love Gretchen Rubin’s books so I knew I’d love her podcast. It does not disappoint! While her voice drives me a little crazy, there is a wealth of knowledge to be enjoyed with each episode.
– S-Town & Serial:Excellent podcasts with a storyline that captivate you, leading you to learn about everyday people living their complicated lives. If you’re interested in reading a book but don’t quite have the time, this is an excellent way to fuel that desire.