five tips for an easier, better year!

in 2014, i realized one big thing. 
i can make choices that make my days, weeks, months & even years better. meaning, i have this big ol’ super power to make intentional choices, moves & decisions each day that will make my life easier & brighter. 
today i want to share with you five tips that i have implemented in my own life that i hope will make your 2015 even better, brighter & easier…

1. find a tribe & build community: i don’t want to hear your excuses. call up some gals, text some acquaintances, write a status on facebook & put out a call on instagram. do it. now! start a book club, coordinate a play group or meet for coffee. 
i used to not be a tribe believer; i was certain quality groups of girlfriends weren’t possible after college. people just don’t get me. i am a weirdo blogger after all. but after a series of unfortunate friend events, i finally threw in the towel & asked some girls to weekly coffee. i mean really, could it get any worst? my people, we are still meeting weekly for coffee & it’s the best thing ever. so make that call & schedule that meet-up in 2015.

2. budget: budgeting looks different for everyone & there is no right way to make intentional financial decisions. whatever way you choose to track your spending & earnings, just do it. i can’t wait to share how we budget (an upcoming blog post scheduled for late january…), but until then sit down with pen & paper (& your partner if you have one!) & start creating a budget. there is freedom in a budget, friends. 

3. sign up for epantry!: my friends, i have never loved a company quite as much as i love epantry. look at my face when i tell you i’ve got a deep love for these people & their goods. 
i signed up for an epantry subscription in 2014 & this sister will never go back! just a bit about epantry – epantry is a fantastic company that sends your favorite cleaning supplies right to your door. they’re cheaper than what you’ll find at the store & you can make thoughtful decisions about what you need versus that impulse purchase i know i tend to make at target. epantry also helps me to budget my household spending, which is always a plus.
the folks at epantry are sweet as pie & they are offering natalie creates readers $10 off their first month’s purchase, free shipping AND a free mrs. meyer’s hand soap. woo hoo! just click the link right here to join (there’s no catch, i pinkie promise!) & never run out of toilet paper again!

4. hire a housekeeper: it took months for us to budget a housekeeper, but once we did, i’m fairly certain i heard a choir of angels singing. my housekeeper, amanda, is my favorite person on this earth. she comes just once a month (that’s all we can afford!) & she does the dirty work i avoid like the plague. she dusts my open cabinets, cleans the baseboards, scrubs our dirty fridge & mops my floors. ask around & find a recommended housekeeper in your area that works with your budget. i can’t wait to see how it decreases your overall stress to come home to a cleaner, more relaxing home. 

5. schedule date nights: we budget about $40 a month for dates. oftentimes those dates look like movies on the couch in our pjs & sometimes our dates are at a fancy restaurant in our sunday’s best. whatever date nights look like for you, plan & schedule more intentional time with your partner in 2015. tip for partners with kids: my girlfriends with children swap date nights. while one couple is off on a date, the other watches both sets of kids. try it! it’s free & it builds community. awesome.

please tell me! what tips do you have to share that make your days easier & brighter? i’d love to read your thoughts!

what to expect in 2015…

friends, it feels so good to turn the calendar page & enter into a new year.
i am thrilled with the outcomes & accomplishments of 2014 & i am even more excited about the possibilities & adventures on the horizon in 2015.
today, i simply want to share with you some exciting news, goals & changes for 2015!

– expect monthly updates of product in exclusive, limited quantities from my handmade shop. every piece is from the heart & handmade from start to finish. i am so excited to bring to life some ideas that have been simmering for months! thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my handmade shop! 
– luke & i are excited to collaborate on more home & garden projects! our planting calendar was so well received (thank you!) & a springboard for more projects to come! we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been up to…
– join me here in this space on monday, wednesdays & fridays for (what i hope to be) thoughtful, authentic & inspiring content. in all honesty, i’ve never considered myself a writer & the title “blogger” takes me by surprise every time, but i’m most certain that the community this space cultivates keeps me going. thanks for coming back day after day! i cannot wait to share deeper & a more personal narrative in 2015. 

– you can still support this spaces by purchasing a blog love ad space! i learned a ton in 2014 & realized just how much time it takes to cultivate a thoughtful & well-curated blog. as a small business, entrepreneur &/or blogger, i hope you will consider supporting this space. you can click here for more information. my fees have increased to compensate for my time, experience & growth over the year, but i can promise you that every penny is absolutely worth it. it’s a great way to grow your business & online space! thank you for supporting our family & my creative pursuits! 
– there will be farm updates! my hope is to inspire others to grow a garden, raise a couple of chickens & eat fresh tomatoes from your own backyard. in 2015, luke & i plan to offer seasonal updates & helpful tips in this space. stay tuned for more farm goodness! 
– join us for more freckled hen farmhouse ec workshops in 2015! we are so excited to open up our home & farm to participants in the new year! we are currently working on content for a garden planning workshop in the spring & a home canning workshop during the summer. we cannot wait to once again share our farming & homesteading knowledge in an intimate & hands-on environment.
hello, 2015! let’s do this thang!


top ten of 2014

i am so excited for 2015 – a fresh start, new projects, more memory making & all the good stuff that comes with a new year!
but let’s just for a moment tip our hat to 2014. 

it was a rad year! 
here’s a recap of my top ten moments of 2014 (in no particular order)

photo by nikki toth photography
1. FIVE YEARS – we rocked five years of marriage & celebrated with a romantic dinner on the beach. married at 19 & 20, we’ve earned that five years! & we still totally dig each other. he’s my very best friend & together, we can’t wait to rock 105 more years. 
2. FARM FRESH – we completed our first year of a farm subscription to our small farm. we sold vegetables, herbs, flowers & eggs. we learned a ton, grew a ton & fell even deeper in love with this community we call our own! it was the hardest of work & most days we were completely exhausted, but every moment was absolutely 100% worth it. 
3. KICKBALL – we got together as a church & played the meanest game of kickball this side of the mississippi. it was a gloriously good workout, too. homemade matching game shirts- nailed it. 
4. SAYING YES – in 2014, i said yes to my dreams & began blogging/making full-time. it’s been the scariest thing i have ever done, but it’s the most fulfilling & life giving work i could ever do. my tank is full, y’all. 
5. PAINTED BRICK – we had no idea what we were doing, but we did it anyway! happy birthday to me! we painted our house! & we love it. more house changes to come in 2015… yay!
6. #FREEMANSINFLORIDA2014 – we flew to bradenton beach, florida & spent an entire week on the beach. we stared at the ocean, collected seashells, stuffed ourselves with good food, napped, read books, did minimal physical activity & experienced the best darn vacation of all time. bless.

7. FARMHOUSE EC WORKSHOPS – i gathered an amazing group of women & opened our farm up for a day of canning. it was the first ever farmhouse economics workshop & definitely not the last. we came together as strangers & left together as sisters. it was one of my favorite & most inspiring days of 2014.

8. BIKES & BREWS – this past summer, we planned & executed the first ever bikes & brews tour! we gathered with friends & road our bikes on various trails to some of our favorite breweries! it was the best of times; i could spend every weekend doing just this. 

9. LADIES WEEKEND – in 2014, we gathered the tribe for the first time ever & headed to branson for a weekend of pooling, shopping, drinking, eating, gaming, laughing & all of the other ladies’ weekend appropriate activities. i’m counting down the days until our 2015 weekend (!!!)! these women are my favorite.

10. #NATALIEGETSFIT – I said peace out to gluten, completed my first ever whole30 & dropped 20 pounds in 2014. like any journey, i’ve gained a few pounds back & learned a whole lot in the process. i am looking forward to continuing this health nut adventure in 2015!
what was your favorite moment of 2014? i would love to read your top ten! please share!