if you haven’t yet noticed, my blog was freshened up just a bit! big hugs to heather of life made lovely for making her magic happen in this space.
with the launch of freckled hen farmhouse, i wanted a new blog design that spoke to my individual passions & complimented our online general store. i think it’s perfect & i hope you love it, too.
i’ve always viewed my blog as a launch pad for all of our business & personal endeavors. my blog has walked us through dating, marriage, graduating college, uprooting from our community, the purchase of our farm & first home, loss of family members, growth of two businesses & so much more. this space will continue to do just that as we grow & change in our roles as individuals, partners & more.
i am forever grateful for this online journal of our life. i will continue to share snippets of our story & highlights of our general store, garden, farm life, home & more. i hope you’ll stick around as we continue to create a good life.
as for changes, there are just a few:
+ you may visit www.nataliecreates.com to visit our shop, our farm & my blog all on one simple page.
+ i have closed my etsy shop & will move our hand-sewn pieces to freckled hen farmhouse. we will continue to offer happy flags & headbands perfect for the farmhouse & farm girl. we hope you love our new designs!
+ i plan to highlight freckled hen farmhouse from time-to-time with guest posts by luke & products that we use within our own home. we hope it’s informative & an enjoyable addition to this space!
as i sit here in the early morning hours with a warm coffee in hand at my old wooden desk purchased secondhand, i thought it might be fun to share some home inspiration with you i have found via instagram.
as you know, we’ve been slowly cleaning out every corner of our home & making space to simply live. we are not minimalists. we enjoy well-made goods that make up our home. we appreciate family heirlooms & we value cozy. yet still, there’s something about making space that feels just right.
below are a handful of my favorites… i hope you find a spark of inspiration to fluff up your corners, let go of a little more, add a throw blanket, dust off your favorite stack of cookbooks & really enjoy your home.
with so much political chatter & noise, it only makes sense to grab a cup of warm tea & huddle down. get cozy. encourage the quiet. to create a list of joys & focus our intentions on those rather than the crazy that may surround us.
today i thought i’d share my list of joys. sometimes it helps to shine a light directly into the darkness.
03.04.16 list of joys
– my quiet time in the morning with a cup of coffee & my daily to-do list
– make-up lunch date with my husband despite a morning full of miscommunications
– the sweet & encouraging ladies at my weekly weight watchers meetings
– phone chats with my dad
– our favorite film festival this weekend & a mini road trip