i love trips like this.
& as we are on the topic of food… & local food at that… i promised i’d share with you my cookie recipe that is THE BEST COOKIE RECIPE EVER. seriously. EVER. once the cookies are out of the oven, i can’t stop. it is almost impossible to wait for them to cool.
& i have {patric chocolate} to thank, a local business in columbia that makes the most amazing chocolate. this recipe is adapted from their recipe with a few changes. enjoy!
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt (don’t substitute for another salt, it will not taste as good)
1 tsp baking soda
two sticks unsalted butter
1 1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp real vanilla extract
1 egg
1 cup dark chocolate chips
preheat oven to 375 f. combine flour, salt, & baking soda in bowl. in a separate bowl, cream the butter by hand or with mixer. add sugar, vanilla, & egg to the butter mixture & beat to combine. beat flour mixture into butter mixture until just combined. stir in chocolate chips. drop by rounded teaspoons onto baking sheet (i use parchment paper instead of greasing my pan). bake for 10 minutes. remove from oven & let cool on racks… that is, if you can wait that long. 🙂
woah, that was a lot! enjoy that recipe & let me know if you like it. enjoy your day.
i miss the quiet of that trip, but it is also nice to be back into the schedule of classes. i feel a little restless, though. life has been so full lately. when it is not full, i feel like something is missing. i think my response, rather, should be to relax during those times of quiet.
i have had a lot of ideas & thoughts swimming around in my head recently. thoughts about…
+ where life will lead us
+ how to regularly exercise my creative talents in hopes of becoming a better “artist” or “photographer” or “hobbyist” or whatever you would like to call it.
+ ways to better spend my morning. if you have thoughts on this, let me know. i’d love to hear how you spend your mornings & the ways you relax before beginning a new day.
+ what kind of mother i will be. this is weird for me because luke & i do not want to have children for awhile, but still, i continually wonder about how we will raise our babes & the decisions we will make. this might be due to the hours of reading in my child development class, but who knows!
+ ways to spend less money. i realize that above i wrote about feeling “restless” & the need for life to feel “full,” but i hope to get over this… & quick! i’d like to work less & make more, plan more, grow more. i’ve decided to not purchase anything but necessities (food basically) for the next month. there are so many ways to stretch our budget! i must research these ideas…
anyway, i hope you enjoyed a bit of my ramblings. sometimes its nice to just write. not edit. simply record my thoughts.
thanks for reading, friends.