now, almost three years later, i am still cutting his hair.
& i am the only one who cuts his hair.
we have been through the mullet, the rat tail, the monk cut & the many oops! i didn’t mean to cut that so short! cuts, but he still trusts me.
it is our time together. just luke & me. in our home.
another thing i really love about him.
he spent the week at a farming conference. after talking about the conference with me for well over an hour, he teared up as he talked about his passion for growing food & specifically, beets. that is my kind of man!
so, after spending some days apart, we knew we needed just us time. we slept in & snuggled until late morning. we enjoyed breakfast & conversation at our favorite breakfast joint. we did a little grocery shopping & we allowed for a lot of time to just be. now he’s singing to himself in the kitchen while preparing our yummy dinner of “sloppeh” joes and creamy coleslaw {from the feeding the whole family cookbook}. i am slowing working on the etsy shop that will be fully updated by the end of the week {post on this to come soon!}
it has been a week of blessings for sure. i haven’t felt this full in awhile. full of life, creativity, passion, thankfulness, warmth, goodness & beauty. i am finding myself once more & i love that.
i always love the feeling of a new year. the many changes i plan to make & the hope that this year will bring. this year, i have two goals that i hope to accomplish.
goal number one.
goal number two.
thanks so much for reading! i look forward to reading your goals for the new year.