i absolutely loved reading every one’s tips on saving. we have so many shared interests in purchasing second-hand, meal planning & budgeting to save money. the miss money bags cash envelope wallet has definitely helped me to stay on track!
i am excited to announce that the winner of a miss money bags wallet goes to kristiane! she saves money by sharing one car with her husband! kristiane, sarah will email you to claim your adorable wallet!
as for everyone else, don’t forget! sarah is offering an amazing discount of 20% off all wallets in her shop with the code “NATALIECREATES20” until september 20th! jump on it & purchase a wallet… the holidays are just around the corner!
a big hug to sarah of miss money bags for this amazing giveaway! thank you, sweet sarah!
these last few weeks i have been challenging myself to pick up my camera more. too often i pull out my iphone to capture a moment, knowing i will be disappointed with the quality in the long-run.
i have been going to sleep earlier & waking up with the sun to take brief walks out to the pasture to our chicken coop & where our goats spend most of their time. i am in love with this place we now call home. i see an orchard in our backyard, pigs housed right outside the pasture & an expanded chicken barn for raising sweet layers for eggs. in fact, we purchased 50 day-old chicks this week in hopes of starting our own (small) egg business. this spring, freckled hen farm will sell a limited amount of free-range, non-gmo, happy & very well-loved eggs! at dinnertime, our conversation almost always ends with the “i can’t believe this is ours!” conversation. we are so thankful.
this weekend we are hosting a farmwarming for family to visit our new home & give well-seasoned advice on how to better keep our pond & raise our animals. i come from a long line of farmers & producers so i am excited to have them here.
our family has been budgeting for a little over five years now. we use our own simplified version of the dave ramsey cash system. this means we budget every little penny we spend down to our toothpaste & underwear & place each category of cash in a separate envelope. once we run out of money in our envelopes for the month, we are forced to stop spending.
we feel a lot of freedom in budgeting this way because we can predict what our expenses will be & we allot money for those monthly costs. it is also a way for us to save up for trips & projects that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to do if we didn’t budget & save money.
when we first started budgeting, i carried around a thick stack of white, paper envelopes with a rubber band wrapped around them. it was a hassle trying to go through all of my envelopes when paying the cashier at a shop & the envelopes had to be replaced often. once i was fed up with that system, i purchased a cheap cardboard coupon organizer. that system wasn’t my favorite either because the cardboard didn’t last all that long & the money slipped out of the sections easily. i was stumped until i came across the miss money bag wallets on sara’s blog. i connected with sarah about a year ago & soon after had a handmade cash envelope wallet of my own that i have carried around since.
sarah was generous enough to surprise me a couple of weeks ago with a new wallet sporting some new & improved features. i am over the moon for sarah’s wallets. they’re easy to use, very practical & they make the cash system actually cute. a huge upgrade from my stack of white envelopes & rubber bands. her wallets feature separate “envelopes” with an adorable little label on the front for writing each spending category. the new wallet design also has an awesome pouch with a zipper sewn in to make carrying around change easier. there are several pockets in the front for storing your debit cards, business cards & license. i also keep a little notebook in the back pocket for writing down lists of what i might need from the thrift shop or grocery store.
sarah contacted me not too long ago & asked if i would be willing to host a miss money bags giveaway for one of her wallets on my blog. i jumped at the opportunity because the truth is- her shop is one of my very favorites on etsy. i love her personal aesthetic, attention to detail & craftsmanship.