in the garden: april 2016

goodness, we are so grateful for our flourishing spring garden! april is such an exciting month for us in arkansas as we welcome a productive growing season for many months to come.
this spring season we started most of our seeds in the greenhouse & then transplanted the small plants into the ground as the soil warmed up. we directly seeded sugar snap peas (shown above), radishes & mesculin salad greens, but most everything else was transplanted. 
see luke’s spring planting guide HERE for more information on planting techniques. 
our choice to transplant does create some extra work, but the uniformity of the plants is so lovely & it is space-saving, which we value in our productive yet relatively small garden plot.
our flowering winter cover crop has been such a bright spot in the garden. this year we planted mustards & red clover to build soil health & add nutrients back into the soil before planting this summer’s tomatoes. bonus – beautiful color in early april! 

you better believe we’re thoroughly enjoying spring salads with greens, radishes, green onion, boiled egg & our homemade balsamic dressing. the true delights of spring eating!

just last weekend we planted herbs in our perennial flower beds. i’m excited to dry & preserve herbs this fall. i hope to gift family & friends herb-infused olive oils this holiday season with home-baked bread!
what is happening in your april garden? please share!


  1. Christi | 25th Apr 16

    The order of your garden is part of it's beauty! I love seeing pics of your garden on IG and keep showing them to my husband as the example of what I want ours to look like.

  2. Junque Rethunque | 25th Apr 16

    Planted some shade plants and porch pots, and cleaned up the herb garden a bit. Still have a few chores left to do. Per usual. 🙂

  3. Kathrine | 26th Apr 16

    How exciting! I love seeing photos of your garden. We have had a very cold spring and I am DYING to get out there and do something. I've sown some salad, spinach, kale, carrot and radish in a cold frame, but they have yet to sprout. Inside is a whole other story, our living room is overflowing with tomato plants reasy to move out to their new greenhouse. Can't wait!

  4. Holly | 28th Apr 16

    Love this blog post, and I always SWOON over your summer flowers! Do zinnias do well in containers/pots? Sunflowers are my favorite! Thanks!

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