last weekend we ventured out into the great outdoors with the youth group from our church! can i just take a little minute to just brag on these kids?
i think too often we forget about this amazing group within our various communities. they can do so much & offer a wide variety of talents. it was truly an honor to spend the weekend with them.
we set up camp on friday night at devil’s den state park while the kids started our first fire of the evening. we cooked entirely over the fire, including these cheesy campfire fries from this recipe.
the agenda was simple: fishing, relaxing, reading napping & hiking.
we had zero cell phone service so our time was even sweeter spent disconnected from the online world. we all tucked away our phones & enjoyed playing cards, hiking, chopping wood & napping in the hammocks.
i wouldn’t have ever thought luke & i would still be living life as just us two even after six years of marriage, but i am grateful for the opportunities this time has given us. we have the time & space to kidnap our dear friends’ kiddos & invest in their lives. it’s a gift & one we’ll cherish.
so…..NaNa and PopPop from the great state of Pennsylvania enjoyed this post more than you will ever know. Appreciated from so many angles…just knowing the kids had a chance to disconnect and experience the quiet that they don't even know they crave. This was just lovely to see…….just lovely !
Blissful & Domestic | 1st Oct 15
What a beautiful weekend:)
Mother B | 3rd Oct 15
so…..NaNa and PopPop from the great state of Pennsylvania enjoyed this post more than you will ever know. Appreciated from so many angles…just knowing the kids had a chance to disconnect and experience the quiet that they don't even know they crave. This was just lovely to see…….just lovely !