last week one of my favorite bloggers shared that she was taking a break from her blog for awhile due to reasons unique to her own story. while i mourn the loss of reading her words every morning with my breakfast, i celebrate this big change in her life.
& as i thought about her story, i reflected on my own & why i still continue to blog even after seven years. i thought about all of the reasons why i share our story here week after week… and in the end, it came down to this: i am drawn to the personal.
let’s be honest – blogging is slowly becoming outdated.
we crave the abridged version, the quick scroll of instagram & the 1 minute clip. we struggle to find time to read our favorite books, get a full night’s rest or eat a good breakfast. with the juggle of everyday life, it feels almost impossible to sit down & read a full blog post. so we scroll, we scan & we glean what we can.
can i be brave & say i want to challenge that notion in this space?
i crave the personal, the big cups of warm coffee & the good conversation. i crave the full story, the listening ear & the deep questions. i crave the details, the loss & the gains. that is why i blog here. i want to share details of our home & full-length paragraphs rich with thought. i want to share step-by-step recipes & detailed tutorials of creative projects. i want to sit down & write about the big stuff, the little stuff & the in-between.
i get it – we’re all busy. but let’s maybe make a little more time & create bigger margins for the details & the in-depth.
thank you for entering into this space every week & reading our story. it means so much to me.