if you’re new to this space, welcome to the “in the garden” series! during the spring & summer months, in celebration of gardening, i share a monthly garden overview of what our garden looks like along with garden happenings! welcome!
july was an unexpectedly busy month full of time-sensitive bathroom remodels (hello moldy walls & floors!) & prep for my canning workshop. it was also a hot month. a lack of time combined with hot days & very little rain makes for a not so pretty garden. of course, our garden often looks less than pinterest-worthy as we transition from late summer to early fall crops.
our cherry tomatoes continue to produce. we planted a bumper crop of both cherry & large tomatoes a few weeks after our initial tomato planting, which has allowed for harvesting throughout the entire summer.
we got a very late start on cucumbers, but we’re excited to finally start makin’ pickles in september!
speaking of pickles, i am teaming up with euna mae’s to co-host a pickling party at her shop on september 12th! i’ll teach you how to make my very favorite spicy dill pickles! local friends, check out the details & sign up here!it is sure to be a fun one!
we’re also still harvesting loads of zinnias & basil. i don’t even want to think about the change in season when we will no longer harvest large bouquets of garden flowers each day!
our beans are coming in quite nicely. i love fresh green beans & freezing the surplus for fancy winter meals!
other garden news:
+ i am canning tomatoes like it’s my job right now. i am using this recipe exclusively & loving it. i can’t imagine why anyone would do anything else!
+ i plan on roasting some tomatoes & freezing them for pizzas this winter. does anyone have a favorite recipe?
+ we’re currently planning our fall garden. fall gardens are my very favorite. oftentimes gardeners stop planting after the end of the summer’s tomatoes, but i find we have the best luck at the beginning & toward the end of the season. hello, beets, carrots, lettuces & greens!
not sure what to plant in your fall garden & when? grab a planting poster from my shop! it’s designed for specific regions throughout the entire USA, guiding you through what to plant & when. use the code “FALLGARDEN” at checkout to receive 25% off your order until this sunday night (that makes each planting poster just $15!)! happy gardening!