ashley’s adventure

friends, i am so excited to share with you ashley’s story of adventure! ashley is an inspiring blogger, amazing photographer, incredible teacher & a dear friend. knowing ashley has made me a better person & today it is such a gift to have her in this space! welcome, ashley…
I was 19 and hanging from a tree root over a rushing river in Alaska. Mountains were every direction I looked and I kept telling myself, “Don’t slip. Watch your footing.” It was a wild summer adventure I had only dreamed of experiencing. When I close my eyes and picture that moment, I can still feel the rush of adrenaline mixed with fear. A few years later, I went skydiving. Then it was a one-time trapeze lesson that turned into a month of classes. For my 30th birthday, I sat in the open cockpit of an old war plane and watched the land creep closer as the pilot took me on flips and nose dives in the air. I love adventure.
There was a time that my definition of adventure included huge trips or big moments. Skydiving. Trips overseas. Helicopter rides over islands. Adventures were big moments, not the little ordinary moments that happened everyday. I had to GO on adventures. 
And then somewhere along the way, it all changed. 
I realized I am ON an adventure. Everyday. Every moment. I can BE on an adventure right where I am today. It boiled down to perspective for me. I could either long for what I once called adventure or I could embrace and see the adventure each day holds. Today my adventure might include baking a pie with my daughter. Tomorrow it might be discovering new worms in the garden or watching my boys figure out how to catapult eachother off the picnic table. 
I still relish every chance I get to GO on adventures, but in the meantime I am choosing to search and find the adventure that each day holds.

thank you so much, ashley!
also, i invite you to check out ashley’s upcoming snapshop class opening this upcoming monday, june 22nd! it’s an introductory online workshop designed to help you capture the everyday in beautiful ways! she offers a class on both dslr & phone photography… you can find more information here.


  1. Natalie Rush | 19th Jun 15

    Wonderful post!! I found your blog through Ashley's…now to look around! Enjoy your trip!

  2. Unknown | 20th Jun 15

    absolutely love this perspective and promptly shared it on my FB page.

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