May 13, 2015

the may etsy shop opens on thursday, may 14th!

friends, my etsy shop reopens on thursday, may 14th, at 8am cst!

i absolutely adore the new birds of a feather happy flag sets coming to the shop!

some of your favorite reversible skinny bands are coming back! these are so perfect for those messy hair days when you’re running out the door & need to look put together.
 i also rock my skinny bands at the gym! they’re secure & stay put on my head for those long runs on the treadmill. they’re versatile AND cute. love it.
we also have 8 new designs of stretchy bands launching on thursday! think summer at the pool!
i love throwing a handful of these in my purse for those pool days! 
they’re only $4 each so they’re perfect paired with fun nail polish for an end of the school year gift to your favorite teachers!

& of course, the shop is restocked with the reversible bow bands! yay!

these beauties sold out in just ONE hour last time so we’re excited to have more sewn up & ready for you!

to celebrate, we’re offering 20% off to blog readers with the code “NATALIECREATESBLOG” for all purchases over $10! just enter the code at checkout. yay!
what’s your favorite product in the shop? i’d love to know! xo.
p.s. just as a reminder, registration for the canning workshop at my farm is open!
we have just TWO spots left! register by emailing me at natalie.j.freeman(at)! SOLD OUT! THANKS Y’ALL! see here for more details. thanks!