a homemade year: a review + giveaway

in writing about family traditions within our home, one of the books that has influenced us in more ways than i can count is a homemade year by jerusalem greer

jerusalem is a dear friend of mine & one who motivates our family to take a deeper look at the christian liturgical calendar. 
as an author, minister & teacher, jerusalem is a wealth of knowledge. i didn’t grow up learning much about the christian calendar, but jerusalem makes it easy for her readers to learn more.
she invites her readers to read just a few pages about the historical meaning of each holiday & live that out within our families & home with a meaningful craft or recipe. it’s a beautiful picture of bringing meaning to our imperfect family traditions through the sacredness of home.

a homemade year weaves a story of family life & the historical christian calendar that is seamless & inspiring. in her book, she shares meaningful craft ideas for holidays such as easter & delicious meal ideas during the slower summer months.
and with her book, she also provides a discussion & reflection guide that can be found here that you can share within a book club or even a homeschooling group.

y’all, i absolutely love a homemade year so i asked jerusalem if she would share a copy with one lucky reader!
to enter, simply…
2. comment below with your email address & one creative way you live out your faith within the home.
if you don’t win, you can always purchase jerusalem greer’s a homemade year here!
i will pick a random winner on monday, april 27th! happy winning!


++ comments closed! congrats to jessica for winning! we will email you soon! ++


  1. Adriane Stauffer | 20th Apr 15

    I would LOVE to have this book We live out our faith by learning His word. We have a memory verse that we learn about every month. Sometimes it takes a little longer so it really sinks in with our kiddos. Adriane Stauffer astauffermom@gmail.com

  2. Carol | 20th Apr 15

    It may not be creative but we have a separate Christmas tree by our dinner table to hang the nativity story broken down into small books to read each night.

  3. Anonymous | 20th Apr 15

    Living out faith in our home: we are always conscious of the broken and sick around us. We make an effort to pray for those in need of a touch from God whenever we can. 🙂
    I haven't heard of this book before now. It looks ️fantastic!

  4. Sheila Johnson | 20th Apr 15

    This looks like a really inspiring book! We create traditions in our home reflecting our faith in so many ways- especially by paying attention to the subtle message and beauty present in each season. I especially like to reserve a few special spots to focus on inspiration- placing favorite images and quotes to remind us of the everyday sacred.

  5. McCraine Family | 20th Apr 15

    This book looks wonderful! We try to give to others when we see a need. (Not just money, but food, time, etc)

  6. Lindsey Smith | 20th Apr 15

    It's just my husband and I in our little home & the biggest way we live out our faith in our home is through serving together at our church, dedicating our time to community and living out what we believe. we're bad at reading the Bible together consistently but we always make a point to pray together daily. would love to have this book to encourage us to include Him in every season!

  7. Katie | 20th Apr 15

    Love this! I liked her on IG, a creative way we live out our faith… Well one way is writing Gods Word out on our chalkboard and our door wall so we can see it daily:)

  8. Jessica Scott | 20th Apr 15

    We just celebrated easter by reading one story at a time to our girls out of our children's bible that related to the day. It really helped our girls to understand that easter is about more than bunnies and egg hunts. ☺ uncggirl2003@yahoo.com

  9. Andy | 20th Apr 15

    excited about this book.
    working on learning Bible verses with the kids

  10. Kimberlee Powell | 20th Apr 15

    We feed our minds with Christian music. Not only do we listen to Christian music for adults, but we also have CD's for my 2 year old daughter that puts scripture to music. It is precious hearing my daughter "singing-along" praises.

  11. Kimberlee Powell | 20th Apr 15

    Oops, my email is Kimberleepowell@gmail.com

  12. Robyn | 20th Apr 15

    We have little globe balls in a bowl at our dining table and use those with our kids as we pray for global workers.

  13. Tashia | 20th Apr 15

    We focus our faith on enjoying each season to the fullest and how we can make the most of what each one brings.

  14. elizabeth Langgle: | 20th Apr 15


    We don't have kids, but love the artistic way that The Jesus Storybook Bible captures the heart of the story of God. My husband and I like to read excerpts before bed togethwe when we get the chance.

    Also, opening our home to host others for meals is a spiritual practice for us as well and we are learning to live more openly.

  15. Unknown | 20th Apr 15

    We are still developing ways to teach our child about His word… music, books, veggie tales 😐 (haha). I try and have verses displayed around too!
    following on IG)

  16. Unknown | 20th Apr 15

    I love to write verses and quotes from my favorite theologians on our chalkboard! ❤️

  17. Georgette Ramirez | 20th Apr 15

    I recently started an art bible journal to doodle and highlight the recent verse from weekly services. It really helps me reflect and soak in the message. I want to start one with my daughters:)

  18. Georgette Ramirez | 20th Apr 15

    nila1920@live.com^^^ oops forgot my email:)

  19. Anonymous | 20th Apr 15

    We homeschool!
    I would love this book!

  20. luv_my_lynns | 20th Apr 15

    In our home we like to take care of the older population. My daughter (7yrs) plants a flower garden and we take bouquets to cheer others up. And my youngest likes to help me in the kitchen and we like to help with the love of a homemade meal. I'm passionate of the geriatric population and want to pass that onto my girls! The book looks lovely!

  21. Unknown | 20th Apr 15

    Started following her! I live out my faith in my home by always keeping it decorated for the seasons to make it a warm, cozy place for my husband, and am learning how to not get weary in the process until the day (Lord willing) we are blessed with a child. I try to make our home our place of refuge. Would love the book for encouragement!

  22. Katie B. | 20th Apr 15

    I live out my faith by [inconsistently] trying to be in the Word and through prayer. The consistency gets difficult but He never changes, He is consistent, and that gives hope! boschkatiegmailcom

  23. The Sodus Blossom | 20th Apr 15


    This book looks amazing and even if I don't win, I will most definitely look into buying it.

    I have tried to incorporate traditions into our home, but like you were saying Natalie, it's a bit hard to when you don't have kids, but I really want to make the effort to make new traditions like you guys did in your cute home!
    Thanks for the encouraging words and the push to do so.

    Kelsey Zielke

  24. Delphine D. Coffey | 20th Apr 15

    My name is Delphine D.Coffey. I would love to win a copy of this book. As a newly disabled retiree (playing the sympathy card – worth a try right) – I am sure I can put it to good use. My email address is delphinedcoffey@gmail.com – thanks

  25. Unknown | 20th Apr 15

    Oh my word I LOVE this! I have never heard of her before, so thank-you for introducing her!!

    I am now following along on facebook and insta and would totally freak out if I won this!!

    We are living out our faith by making it a priority to read the Bible and pray with our son! We use the Jesus Storybook Bible, but I am always on the lookout for crafts/activities/food to help it click it better!


  26. Bethany | 20th Apr 15

    I heard about this book on Shannan's blog, but haven't gotten around to actually reading it yet. I like the idea of learning more about the liturgical year since our faith is something that should define our everyday. I don't know that I do anything creative that is faith related,but I do make up little songs and actions to help my kids learn the verses we are memorizing.

  27. Bethany | 20th Apr 15

    Oops, here's my email bethanyardente@yahoo.com

  28. Emily | 20th Apr 15

    My boys are still little. I incorporate faith in our home by singing hymns to them at bedtime and speaking scripture about situations as they arise. My email is mle.renee@gmail.com. I would love to win this book!

  29. KacyRae | 20th Apr 15

    My husband is a pastor so somedays it seems like everything we do is about our faith. Which is the way it should be right? We still have young kids, 5, 2 and 6 months, so our main area we focus on is prayer. We do a nightly family prayer after jammies are on and teeth are brushed. The kids also know that Daddy has an important job with "The Big Kids" at the church. 🙂 This book looks so great!

  30. Anonymous | 20th Apr 15

    We live our faith by praying together before a meal. Heart prayers are such a personal thing that we can share before we fill our bellies.

    I would love to read more about faith-filled traditions that my hubby and I can start together!


  31. Leanne | 20th Apr 15

    This book has been on my to-read list for awhile! We try to make Christ the focus of Easter and Christmas. I've found when we emphasize the most important, the unnecessary extras fall away, leaving the holidays a lot less stressful but still so much full of joy and happiness. 🙂 leanne1388@gmail.com

  32. Anonymous | 20th Apr 15


    I currently have this library book sitting on my desk. We don't have the extra money right now to buy it – but it is awesome! Would love to win my own copy.

  33. Jenni R. | 20th Apr 15

    I love reading all the ideas from the commenters! We have a mix of learning from the Bible in homeschool, spending time individually every day in prayer and in the Word, and we pray together as situations come up or when we're out together and see a need. We're blessed to run a retreat center for pastors and missionaries so my girls get first hand experience at hospitality and service.

    sharedfromwayoverhere@gmail.com, thank you!

  34. Andrea | 20th Apr 15

    I recycled a large, faded framed print my mom was going to throw away into a chalkboard for our kitchen (black chalkboard paint over the picture, teal paint for the frame). On that is a biblical verse, explanation or a quote from Pope Francis about the holiday or feast day or whatever is current.

  35. Bethany | 20th Apr 15

    We just started making "get to know your neighbor" dinner baskets in our Bible study and have been passing those out to neighbors around us. Would love to win this book, looks amazing! bhaggard08@gmail.com

  36. Kelli | 20th Apr 15

    Hi Natalie! Just found your blog/insta a few weeks ago and I am bada ba ba ba lovin' it.

    Just followed Jerusalem on Instagram.

    My husband and I are really interested in the spring feasts and look for ways to incorporate the celebration of God's fulfillment of those in our home. We were so busy this year that it actually ended up being just the two of us on Easter Eve just sitting together on the couch and reading through a study of them together before bed. So sweet to fall asleep with that on the brain:-) I did, however, find time to make my very first Holiday meal (all by myself like a big girl) this past Easter and even had homemade carrot cake! It was so fun to get to make a big celebration of Easter in our home. I'm glad I picked that as my first "grown up" holiday meal to undertake. It was all about being able to rejoice in God's great love story…. Through creating a simple, beautiful, homemade table of deliciousness:-)

  37. Kelli | 20th Apr 15

    ^^^ I just wrote a novel. And, my email is kellidwinn@gmail.com

  38. Rachel Ann | 21st Apr 15

    I actually feel like, so far, we are awful at this! Growing up my parents made everything so special – Advent wreaths, easter crosses, etc, but I'm bad at it so far. THAT SAID, I'm totally going to do a Jesse tree this year and we love the Jesus Storybook Bible and read it often. brothers.rachelann@gmail.com xo

  39. Unknown | 21st Apr 15

    I have really wanted to read this book! It looks amazing. I love surrounding my family with homemade things: food, art, blankets, hats. So many special memories are tied to things we make. melissavoigt78@gmail.com

  40. Kaylan | 21st Apr 15

    Oh man, I would love to win this book! We try to incorporate our faith in many ways but the most creative is probably around Easter we always have a 'garden date', planning our garden and reflecting on the goodness that is growth and grace. kaylanbuteyn@gmail.com

  41. Anonymous | 21st Apr 15

    I've been wanting to purchase this book:). I write out inspirational bible verses on our chalkboard to remind us how much we are loved!! kahwingate@yahoo.com

  42. Cassi Werner | 21st Apr 15

    When the crabbies and whines kick in (even from the adults!) we stop what we are doing and list five. Five things we are thankful for. Five things good in our today. Five things that lift our eyes off ourselves and up to the Giver of all good things!! It's a game changer every time!!


  43. Dakota | 21st Apr 15

    In our home we try our hardest to make each celebration special and about the true meaning! We also always go to our bibles to learn about the holidays, along with storybooks. I just like to show my little guys that it's always important to reference your bible! 🙂

  44. Crystal | 22nd Apr 15

    There are several ways we live out our faith in our home but I have to say my favorite is morning prayer time. Before my husband leaves for work he and I and any kids that may be awake hold hands and pray for each other and our day. Makes a huge difference in how our day goes. crystal_824@yahoo.com

  45. Unknown | 22nd Apr 15

    One of my favorite new traditions in our home is participating in Operation Christmas Child…I can't wait to do it again next November! 🙂

    ~Shannon Oros
    shannonoros [at] gmail [dot] com

  46. Jessica | 22nd Apr 15

    We try to make the major holidays (Christmas and Easter) Christ-centered by not focusing on the gifts but I'd love to know more about the rest of the church calendar. I need inspiration to keep crafting with my kids! Thank you for this give-away, I've been looking at this book for awhile!

  47. Unknown | 22nd Apr 15

    looks amazing. we live out our faith by teaching our children to love without fear.

  48. Jenny | 23rd Apr 15

    Our favorite family tradition that celebrates our faith is Advent. I'd love to see the ideas in this book.

  49. whitesealmom | 23rd Apr 15

    Loved reading everyone's comments!
    We have a Lenten cross that we use; much like an Advent wreath. Light the candle each night and have a devotion.
    I think we need traditions and 'word pictures' to assist us in our spiritual lives.
    Thanks for the intro to Jerusalem. Following her on IG!

  50. Anonymous | 23rd Apr 15

    thanks for the chance, i'd love this book!

    we always try to focus the true meaning on each holiday, ie christmas and easter. we do fun crafts/baking/giving but we always try to remind our kids why we truly have these fun holidays to celebrate!

    benavides dot seis dot gmail.com

  51. Erin C. Young | 23rd Apr 15

    erincyoung (at) yahoo.com

    We try to keep holidays centered around Jesus instead of Santa/Easter bunny/etc. I want my kids to know the true reason we celebrate. 🙂

  52. Charity | 23rd Apr 15

    What a beautiful resource! Sharing a day to day living out of faith with little ones can be challenging, so our family tries to keep it very simple- we just talk with Jesus. We pray before meals, naps, in the car before we run errands..etc. Hopefully making him present in their daily lives will instill an ongoing conversation as they grow.

  53. Danielle | 23rd Apr 15

    I've been eyeing this book ever since I saw it in an instagram picture you posted a while a go. Would love to win! Danielleayersjones [at] gmail.com

    Every morning at breakfast I read to the kids from the wonderful book, "Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing" by Sally Loyd-Jones and say one thing we're thankful for.

  54. Unknown | 24th Apr 15

    Englert.shannon@gmail.com we make Jesus a part of the mundane moments by talking about him around the table or while we're in the car, seeking to saturate my two year old's life with the idea that Jesus is always with us and loves us derplu.

  55. Elise | 24th Apr 15

    I am struggling with creative ways to live out our faith, as it wasn't lived out as such growing up. It seems like Jerusalem's book would help out!


  56. Lavinia | 24th Apr 15

    Such an awesome book! Would love to own a copy!

    I love decorating my house with prints that have Bible verses on them 🙂

    My email address is: lavi_buz@yahoo.com

  57. Tara Celeste | 25th Apr 15

    It's not very creative, but we read some scripture and pray before bed each night. I vote that seeking Jesus at the end of the day will help my sons remember His watchfulness over them.

  58. Rosalind | 25th Apr 15

    Every week we host a community group in our house. With a group of people from all walks of life, we share a meal together and chat and laugh and spend time in discussing the sermon or what's going on in each other's lives. We also think of ways to be on mission and be a blessing to our community. It's s privilege to be able to do this! Marquezfamily111@gmail.com

  59. Christi | 25th Apr 15

    What a fun giveaway! I remember when this book came out & would love to have a copy!

    We live out our faith by being in the Word each day, and trying to follow the liturgical calendar. I am excited to find out more practical and creative ways to do that!

    I follow Jerusalem on IG.

    Christi (jealoushands on IG)

  60. Livin’ The Yeh Life’s | 26th Apr 15

    My most recent endeavor was writing the book of James on my bathroom wall with an orange Sharpie. 🙂 Sounds like a great book!

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