February 9, 2015

photo garland diy

hello, friends! 
each time i share a photo of our little dining area, i am always asked how i made my photo garland.
i’m not quite sure where i got the inspiration to make our little garland, other than loving family photos in every corner of our home. photos speak memories to me & remind me of all of the good stuff life holds. we need these happy reminders in our home, yes?
this is by far the easiest home decor diy ever. 

simply gather your supplies. 
you will need:
– mini clothespins
– string, pom pom yarn (purchased at michaels) or baker’s twine
– strips of fabric, lace trim & more
– thumbtacks
– square photos (i love the postalpix app for printing instagram images from your phone)

to make this photo garland, hang your string of choice with thumbtacks on the wall or draped over a chalkboard. clothespin your favorite photos to your strings. bundle up your fabric strips, trim & more to each side & pin to the wall with thumbtacks. 

change out your photos with each season or as you wish!
how do you creatively & inexpensively add photos to your home?