
i found this fun list on meg’s blog last week & thought i’d follow along!
reading: hands free mama by rachel macy stafford (a great one even for the non-mama!)
playing: the lumineers station on pandora… love!
watching: my people, do you watch new girl? we’ve watched it from the beginning & we cry-laugh every single time. 
trying: to schedule time for rest & relaxation. last year was so good, but i need a little more white space on my calendar. how about you?
cooking: all the whole30 foods & i am running out of ideas. friends, share with me your favorite whole30 food ideas!
eating: apples & almond butter. bless! 
drinking: coffee all day. amen.

calling: my mom & i talk on the phone every single day. i’d be lost without our conversations!
texting: erin & megan all day ‘erday! – my group text bffs.
pinning: baby shower decoration ideas, cute clothes, diy projects & more.
tweeting: i just don’t get twitter. i’m not witty enough for twitter. moving on…

crafting: i made a sweater pillow at craft night with my tribe! & now i think i am addicted… make your own with me!
doing: brainstorming paint colors for my new house project… it’s top secret, friends! 
going: on our family retreat! we go on a family retreat each year to talk about family & personal goals. my favorite few days of the year!
loving: this unexpected warm weather this week! hello hiking, short sleeves & sunshine!
hating: my overflowing closet. i need some serious help in this department.
discovering: that “you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” – david allen. yes!
enjoying: quiet, cozy evenings with a good book in hand spent by the wood burning stove.
hoping (for): snow! i love being snowed in on the farm with the hubby. 
celebrating: that we have finally finalized our europe trip plans! i can’t wait to share our agenda with you… yay!

smelling: nothing! dang you, sinus congestion. 
thanking: the dear lord above for my lady tribe & last night’s giggles. friends are so good.
considering: adding kid-sized headbands to my shop. what are your thoughts, friends?
finishing: baby shower decorations including these fun pom pom sticks!
starting: the best yes


  1. Kristin | 19th Jan 15

    I love reading your blog. Such cute decor. I had that calendar in my hands and put it back…now I know I need to find it again.

  2. Christine {at} Slow, Simple, Self | 19th Jan 15

    Hi Natalie,

    I'm currently working through my second Whole30 this month too!

    Oh my, the work of all the veggie chopping… makes me dream of summer canning! We've been roasting veggies for sides and those apples with almond butter really get me through the day.

    I've got some chili in the slow cooker for tonight {recipe from Paleo Newbie's blog}…

    Hope you are enjoying a warm cup of black coffee right now 🙂

    Cheers to you!

  3. madcap mama | 19th Jan 15

    Recently just finished the Best Yes…so good. Am now reading Restless: Because You Were Made For More. So many good books so little time.

  4. Jenny | 19th Jan 15

    A fun list!

    My favorite closet tip: take everything out, sort, get rid of stuff & when you put it all back hang everything with the hooks backwards. When you wear that item, hang it the right way. After a year, get rid of everything that's still hanging backwards, you haven't worn it in a year so you don't need/like it.

    Love your blog.

  5. Máire | 19th Jan 15

    Hope your Europe trip includes Ireland! Can't wait to see the itinerary!

  6. Elise | 20th Jan 15

    YES to the apples and almond butter! Sometimes, if I'm feeling especially naughty, I add a splash of pure maple syrup to the almond butter. Yum! Also, YES to talking to the mom everyday! My day doesn't feel complete if I haven't spoken with my mom.

  7. Caitlin | 20th Jan 15

    I'm also in the middle of my second Whole30 at the moment. I just made this soup yesterday and it is amazing:

    I cooked up some ground beef with some garlic powder, and put that in the bottom of the bowl and the soup on top. Very good, very comforting for these cold winter days!

    For the closet: take everything out and put back the things you really, truly love–the things that fit great and are comfortable and look fabulous. Store or donate the rest. Or try a Project333–33 items for 3 months!

  8. Leah | 20th Jan 15

    I love that you read Meg Duerksen's blog!A group of ladies I know rent her craft house several times a year and go on a ladies retreat. It is a great time to catch up on old projects, nap and visit. You should totally come some time!

  9. Katie | 21st Jan 15

    Hey! I completed my first Whole30 back in November and I am eager to do at least a partial one again. Here are a couple of links to recipes that we really enjoyed the whole month long:

    – Slow cooker butter chicken:

    – Magical tahini dressing (we used it on EVERYTHING!):

    We also roasted tons of root vegetables with coconut oil and dried herbs as one of our staples. Roasted sweet potatoes were on the menu almost every day, too. I'm not much of an egg eater, but once in a while we'd make a cast-iron pan full of leftover veggies, meat, and eggs and it was tasty! We'd also cook up a big batch of spicy taco ground beef and have it on a bed of sautéed cabbage. Yum!

    My biggest problem was missing sweets and snacks. Almond butter and fruit smoothies were my saving grace. Good luck!

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