January 19, 2015


i found this fun list on meg’s blog last week & thought i’d follow along!
reading: hands free mama by rachel macy stafford (a great one even for the non-mama!)
playing: the lumineers station on pandora… love!
watching: my people, do you watch new girl? we’ve watched it from the beginning & we cry-laugh every single time. 
trying: to schedule time for rest & relaxation. last year was so good, but i need a little more white space on my calendar. how about you?
cooking: all the whole30 foods & i am running out of ideas. friends, share with me your favorite whole30 food ideas!
eating: apples & almond butter. bless! 
drinking: coffee all day. amen.

calling: my mom & i talk on the phone every single day. i’d be lost without our conversations!
texting: erin & megan all day ‘erday! – my group text bffs.
pinning: baby shower decoration ideas, cute clothes, diy projects & more.
tweeting: i just don’t get twitter. i’m not witty enough for twitter. moving on…

crafting: i made a sweater pillow at craft night with my tribe! & now i think i am addicted… make your own with me!
doing: brainstorming paint colors for my new house project… it’s top secret, friends! 
going: on our family retreat! we go on a family retreat each year to talk about family & personal goals. my favorite few days of the year!
loving: this unexpected warm weather this week! hello hiking, short sleeves & sunshine!
hating: my overflowing closet. i need some serious help in this department.
discovering: that “you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” – david allen. yes!
enjoying: quiet, cozy evenings with a good book in hand spent by the wood burning stove.
hoping (for): snow! i love being snowed in on the farm with the hubby. 
celebrating: that we have finally finalized our europe trip plans! i can’t wait to share our agenda with you… yay!

smelling: nothing! dang you, sinus congestion. 
thanking: the dear lord above for my lady tribe & last night’s giggles. friends are so good.
considering: adding kid-sized headbands to my shop. what are your thoughts, friends?
finishing: baby shower decorations including these fun pom pom sticks!
starting: the best yes