my one word for 2015

every year i choose one little word to focus my intentions on in the new year.
with every move, the word “quality” echoed in my heart.

quality rang true in my journey toward self-love. i lost 20 lb., worked out regularly, & started the #dressinhappiness project. you can find out more about this project here
quality rang true in my work life. for so long, i was afraid to take that jump because of fear & an overwhelming amount of student debt. in 2014, i made the leap with arms wide open!
quality rang true in my marriage. luke & i shared our hearts openly & unguarded. we attended counseling sessions together & grew even more connected as partners. it makes me weepy when i reflect on 2014 & all of the growth that happened in that space & time. 
quality rang true in my friendships. i stayed connected with friends from the past & cultivated deep friendship within our community. i co-led a women’s retreat within our church community & created a weekly coffee date for my lady tribe. i am so thankful for the opportunity to share my life with women of quality who inspire & motivate me. 

“pursuit” bracelet by debi dean
in 2015, my one little word is pursuit. 
pursuit, noun: the action of following or pursuing someone or something.

my heart is set on the pursuit of a healthy balance in my work & family life. 
i will focus on the pursuit of a clear path in my work life. i will say no so that i may say yes to work that fills me up, inspires others & cultivates joy within my life. 
i will focus on the pursuit of saying yes to more time well-spent by saying no to material goods that rob us of our freedom to enjoy life. friends, i am getting off of that consume-more-work-more treadmill! 
i believe that our lives are made up of well-crafted  & intentional everydays. 

how will you make every single day count? 
choose one little word & follow me along on this journey, friends!

i am so thankful for debi dean who makes incredible jewelry that speaks truth! i am so excited to wear my “pursuit” bracelet as a daily reminder of my intention for 2015. 
debi dean makes bracelets & necklaces with custom stamped words – the perfect gift for you in the new year!
debi is offering a $40 gift certificate to her shop so that you may pick out any piece & wear your word throughout the year! 
to enter this giveaway, simply:
1. visit the debi dean shop & take a look around.
2. like debi on facebook or follow her on ig @debidean
3. comment below with your email address & share your one little word for 2015!
i will pick a random winner on january 7th & share the winner’s name here!

p.s. debi is offering free shipping in her shop to natalie creates readers until january 18th! just enter the code “nataliecreates” at checkout! 

congrats to amy huneycutt for winning the giveaway by debi dean! yay! 


  1. Nicolette Gawthrop | 29th Dec 14

    you are beautiful! it's so good to know you, love!


  2. Unknown | 29th Dec 14

    My one word is "live". All my life I have struggled and just floated through. Did what I could to survive. I guess my word for all these years was survive. But I don't want to survive anymore. I want to live!

  3. Bella Vita Jewelry | 29th Dec 14

    I agree with Nicolette! I love knowing you and look forward to many years of friendship with you sweet girl!!! xo Happy 2015!

  4. Denise Dynes | 29th Dec 14

    I'm still narrowing down my 2015 word, so I don't know yet! However I would still love to win that $40 and have the mystery word on a bracelet like yours. God bless your year of pursuit!

  5. Kristin Pippin | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is intentional. I want to be more intentional in the things I do, the time I spend doing them and be more present in everything. Email address is So glad you shared! Love your word for both 2014 and 2015 🙂

  6. Helen | 29th Dec 14

    Oh, what beautiful work! I love her yoga 'breathe' necklace. My 2015 word is 'enough'– that I do enough, have enough, and AM enough. 🙂

    amaramorgana (at)

  7. Ann C | 29th Dec 14

    Love her work! my word for 2015 is intentional.


  8. Nancy H | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is inspire.

  9. Lynn | 29th Dec 14

    I am still trying to find my word for 2015. "Choose" seems to be in the lead so far! Love her shop!

  10. Jess Townes | 29th Dec 14

    I've been circling around my word for weeks (create, cultivate, do, act, action, forward, awake, expand, unfold, engage) and haven't quite landed on one that captures all of those sentiments but you may have just pointed me in the right direction with pursue. I'm going to sit on it for 24 hours. Last year's word came easily so I'm trying not to overthink the fact that this year's word is not so simple!

  11. Unknown | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is, "courage." Thank you for sharing everything on your blog! You are an inspiration! Look forward to reading it in 2015!

  12. Sarah | 29th Dec 14

    Love love love!! I knew in the back of my mind that people did one word goals for the year, but I kinda stumbled upon it for myself about halfway through the year when I started doing themed monthly goals. It was fantastic, and I am so excited and inspired to hear others words! I will have to check back on these comments in a few days to see more! Right now I am circling around the word consistent. Wearing your word is an amazing idea, thank you! Sarahshepherd963 @

  13. Crystal | 29th Dec 14

    My word well actually words for 2015 is "Plant Seeds". It was something that is strong in my heart. Not literal seeds but seeds of love and kindness in the hearts and lives of others. I plan on doing this by volunteer opportunities at a local homeless shelter, nursing home, and just random acts of kindness.

  14. Allison {HousLoveDogBlog} | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is choose. So excited for a fresh start with a new year. Email:

  15. Hayley | 29th Dec 14

    I love you, this post, and these beautiful pieces of jewelry! My word for this year is quiet. I want to work on quieting my anxious heart and stressed mind so that I can practice more mindfulness. Pick me 🙂

  16. Holly | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is inspire. I want to surround myself with people who inspire me to greater spiritual depth and to live fully in my my God-given calling as a woman. In turn, I want to inspire others to do the same.

  17. Anonymous | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is "now" to remind me to be present in the here and now- to embrace each moment as they come, and to not worry so much about what is to come- because all I'm really promised is now. e-mail:

  18. Kathleen | 29th Dec 14

    This is amazing! Thank you for this post!

    My word for 2015 is joy. I want to choose joy in everything we do whether it be big or small. I don't want to allow anyone or anything to rob me of my joy. I would love a necklace just like yours!

  19. Natalie Grace | 29th Dec 14

    My one little word is "Choose!"

  20. Stephanie | 29th Dec 14

    Such gorgeous jewelry. My word for 2015 is Peace, hoping to cultivate that feeling in many aspects of my life.


  21. Lys | 29th Dec 14

    I haven't chosen a OLW for 2015 yet (I know, I'm pushing it to the limit), but I'm thinking it might be INTEGRITY because I really want to become the same person in every sphere of my life. It's like that song at the end of Mulan: "True to your heart, you must be true to your heart…"

    Thanks for such a cute giveaway!

    sashirl93 AT gmail DOT com

  22. Jenny | 29th Dec 14

    My word is grow. 🙂

  23. April | 29th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is Purposeful! I want the new year to be intentional, determined and full of meaning! Thank you for this opportunity!

  24. Anonymous | 30th Dec 14

    I'm pondering "finish." Many times I start well but don't finish well. I get frustrated by lack of progress or simply get distracted. I need the discipline to finish.

    I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

    smallstirs at gmail dot com

  25. Anonymous | 30th Dec 14

    wow, i love her stuff! i think you did awesome with your goal of quality in 2014. wishing you a great 2015 and with your word, pursuit. i don't have a word yet, but i am really thinking of one. i'd love a bracelet as a reminder as well. thank you for the chance!

  26. Natalie | 30th Dec 14

    I just found your blog and IG feed and love everything I have seen! I think my word for 2015 is "mindfulness." I want to be more mindful with everything I do and how I am acting in my day-to-day life.

  27. Shabby Sweet Tea | 30th Dec 14

    What a lovely shop she has! I've been thinking hard this week….my word is CREATE. I always have so many fun ideas and things I want to make. In 2015, I'm going to get artsy and make it happen!

  28. Jessica | 30th Dec 14

    My work is "faith", I am working on building a stronger foundation for my faith this year.

  29. Unknown | 30th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is "open".

  30. Doorbell | 30th Dec 14

    What a brilliant idea! I love this! One word a year and with a beautiful bracelet to remind you.

    swellanore at gmail .com

  31. Anonymous | 30th Dec 14

    I'm not sure what my word is for 2015 yet. I've never done that before. But I'm think I might steal Shana's word (from Badassery. Yeah, I think I'd like 2015 to be my year for badassery.

    I love Debi's jewelry. And I followed her on IG.

  32. Anonymous | 30th Dec 14

    I so enjoy reading your blog posts! After some thought, I'd like my word for 2015 to be "thankful". I spend to much time worrying and wondering about everything negative and would like to start being more thankful for the positives in my life. I need to start living in the present! Thanks for your inspiring words. You rock 🙂

    I'd like to be apart of the contest as well, I followed Debi on IG.

  33. Anonymous | 30th Dec 14

    I have many words, wishes, hopes for 2015. But most of all, my word has to be "love". Love who I am, love where I am, love my family and friends, and love my flaws.
    Amazing post, and sweet giveaway. I really loved her arrow necklace. my email is design{dot}andrea{at}

  34. Kimberlee Powell | 30th Dec 14

    My word for 2015 will be "slow." I think that to live this word, is going to be very challenging for me. I am always busy, and I need to slow down and embrace the here and now more often.

  35. Jen | 30th Dec 14

    Loving the personalized bracelets with the hidden message! I don't know if I have a word for 2015, but I did have a motto for 2014: "operation use it up." I will probably pick something similar for 2015. Following on Instagram!

  36. esther jane | 30th Dec 14

    The one word idea has always been hard for me, since it is always difficult for me to narrow things down and make a definite decision. so maybe my one word should be 3: "prioritize & persevere" since I have a lifelong struggle with both of those things. I need to become more organized and steady. It's a good thing to think on, the ways I need to improve and grow. Here's to the follow through!
    love your blog!
    frameofdust @ hotmail DOT com

  37. Hannah R. | 30th Dec 14

    My word is "surrender". I tend to worry about a lot of little things and get stressed out easily. I need to surrender to God and fully trust him more often.

  38. Courtneybee | 30th Dec 14

    I just discovered your blog from Tweetpotatopie…My OLW this year is simple…simple living, simple choices, simply a fabulous 2015!!!

  39. Jess Townes | 30th Dec 14

    Okay, I gave it 24 hours and the word was not, in fact pursue, but I did settle on something:

  40. Anonymous | 31st Dec 14

    i like your word natalie! my word for 2014 was create. my word for 2015 is VALUE. I'm writing about it right now. i love the work debi did on your bracelet. i am following her on IG. thank you for the chance to win! 🙂 and for the code if i don't. 🙂

    p.s. does anyone else read the "i am not a robot" captcha in a robot voice? i do it everytime and it cracks me up!

    @jessie_irene on IG

  41. Unknown | 31st Dec 14

    My 2015 will be create. "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 – this word and scripture are my ideas of a 2015: creating deeper relationships (both spiritual and physical), creating a family with my husband, focusing on being creative in my hobbies and not focusing on TV/internet time, create a career for myself by studying/taking the GRE. There is so much more I could share. I love your word pursuit and wish you a wonderful new year.

  42. Anonymous | 31st Dec 14

    I found several nice pieces . . . the bar necklace, the wrap bracelet, the thick silver customizable cuff bracelet. I'm fairly certain that my focus for the new yr is to LINGER.

    crbc 2000 at Hotmail dot com

  43. Lavinia | 31st Dec 14

    I just love how honest you are and how you share great tips with all of us!

    In 2015, I desire to become more organized. My word is an adjective and its definition is something that I want to represent me in the year to come: <>

    My email is and I'm following Debi on Instagram.

    Happy New Year!!

  44. Krystal | 31st Dec 14


    I am constantly inspired by your blog and am grateful to you for sharing your journey. For over a decade I have also had a word of the year so it was cool to see that you have something similar. 2014's mantra word was "Rebuild" and 2015's will be "Cultivate" which seems rich with possibilities. I look forward to reading about more of your awesome adventures both at home and in your community. THANK YOU!

  45. krista | 31st Dec 14

    My word for 2015 is balance.
    Love your 2014 reflections, thank you for sharing!

  46. Sara | 1st Jan 15

    My word(s) for the year are "Embrace Joy" and I really look forward to seeing where that focus brings me as the year unfolds.

    Happy New Year to you and thank you for choosing to share your life with us. <3

  47. Elise | 1st Jan 15

    Wow, I love Debi's work! My word for the year sounds hokey, or cliché, but came to me very clearly in November, right after my dad's passing. Love. My husband and I were having a rare lunch alone, and he was saying he's realized since my dad passed that it's all about love. Just love. With five kids and general life craziness, I sometimes forget to do things in love, to just love people as they are, where they're at. So, love it is.

    Happy New Year, Natalie!

  48. Elise | 1st Jan 15

    Oh, I always forget!

  49. Erin C. Young | 1st Jan 15

    My word is BE.

  50. erin | 1st Jan 15

    My word for 2015 is "intentional."
    Love you, friend.

  51. Aimee | 2nd Jan 15

    My one word is "Invest"…in fammily, friends, self-care, personal development and my home.

  52. Anonymous | 2nd Jan 15

    i just realized i didn't put my email

    danica @jessie_irene on IG

  53. Sarah | 2nd Jan 15 I love her brass banner necklaces and guitar picks! The word I'd choose would be GRACE- without it I'm a miserable failure. But God is so good!

  54. Anonymous | 2nd Jan 15

    PS- I cant get the coupon code to work in her Etsy shop. ????

  55. Dana | 3rd Jan 15

    I believe this is such a beautiful and important post. I have struggled with major a health crises over the last 2 years and it has been difficult for me to even fathom that I would make it to 2015. So my word of choice for this year is "gratitude". I will strive to live this year will full intention and understanding and go forwarding gratitude in all things. Gratitude for my family and friendships that have sustained me, gratitude for the doctors and surgeons and nurses that have done amazing work to help me; gratitude for my Father in heaven who still goes me life and a plan and path that I have yet to fully figure out, and most importantly I will journey through this year in gratitude for myself and the things I have not allowed myself to be grateful for that I have accomplished. I will allow myself gratitude, and moreover share it with everyone I meet.

  56. Dana | 3rd Jan 15

    I forgot my e-mail address!! Oops!!

  57. Tess | 3rd Jan 15

    Lovely post! My word for 2015 is "intent"… I want to make choices and decisions based on intent, not "reaction". I want to be intentional about my marriage, raising up a son, and my work.
    Candlewick Mama

  58. Anonymous | 4th Jan 15

    My word is fierce! I want to be braver, stronger and unstoppable! Thanks!

  59. Unknown | 4th Jan 15

    Anonymous above… Thanks!

  60. Unknown | 5th Jan 15

    My word would have to be SIMPLE. To focus on living a simple life and learning to say no to things that cause me anxiety and stress and say yes to the important things that bring me joy. By keeping things simple I'm hopeful that I will better see God's presence in my life.

  61. Suyai | 5th Jan 15

    Hi Natalie! My word is "intentional" and it will weave into every single area of my life (i hope!).

    As you know, I'd rather not leave my email address but WILL contact you if I win, we've exchanged emails before over a giveaway sometime ago. Thank you, beautiful lady! x

  62. Tanya | 6th Jan 15

    Connect 🙂

    Thanks for the reminder!

  63. PatSloan | 6th Jan 15

    My word is FINISH, sounds odd, but right now I think that is it. To finish a thought all the way, a project, my goals. Finish!

  64. Holly | 7th Jan 15 My word for 2015 is "blessing". I want to slow down and see the blessing that my husband is to me. I want to slow and see the blessing that my job is to me. I want to slow down and see the blessing that my friends and family are to me. I want to be more of a blessing to others than I was in 2014. Looking forward to a great year full of blessings!

  65. debidean | 9th Jan 15

    hi all
    its debi dean from debi dean jewelry on etsy, i had some trouble with the free shipping code and had to create a new one.
    please use NATALIECREATES1 for free shipping through january 18th.
    thank you all for your kind words, they fill my heart <3
    sorry for the mix up!!

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