with every move, the word “quality” echoed in my heart.
quality rang true in my journey toward self-love. i lost 20 lb., worked out regularly, & started the #dressinhappiness project. you can find out more about this project here.
quality rang true in my work life. for so long, i was afraid to take that jump because of fear & an overwhelming amount of student debt. in 2014, i made the leap with arms wide open!
quality rang true in my marriage. luke & i shared our hearts openly & unguarded. we attended counseling sessions together & grew even more connected as partners. it makes me weepy when i reflect on 2014 & all of the growth that happened in that space & time.
quality rang true in my friendships. i stayed connected with friends from the past & cultivated deep friendship within our community. i co-led a women’s retreat within our church community & created a weekly coffee date for my lady tribe. i am so thankful for the opportunity to share my life with women of quality who inspire & motivate me.
pursuit, noun: the action of following or pursuing someone or something.
my heart is set on the pursuit of a healthy balance in my work & family life.
i will focus on the pursuit of a clear path in my work life. i will say no so that i may say yes to work that fills me up, inspires others & cultivates joy within my life.
i will focus on the pursuit of saying yes to more time well-spent by saying no to material goods that rob us of our freedom to enjoy life. friends, i am getting off of that consume-more-work-more treadmill!
i believe that our lives are made up of well-crafted & intentional everydays.
how will you make every single day count?
choose one little word & follow me along on this journey, friends!
i am so thankful for debi dean who makes incredible jewelry that speaks truth! i am so excited to wear my “pursuit” bracelet as a daily reminder of my intention for 2015.
debi dean makes bracelets & necklaces with custom stamped words – the perfect gift for you in the new year!
debi is offering a $40 gift certificate to her shop so that you may pick out any piece & wear your word throughout the year!