although i’m not a mama just yet, i sit around a big table each week with women who are. at that table, during our thursday morning coffee date, we share the good & bad. we share our misjudgments, our laziness, our mistakes, our guilt & our successes.
& oftentimes those mamas just need to hear one thing… “you are the mama your kids need.”
today i want to share with you lines of grace, a beautifully-crafted line of encouragement by my sweet friend, melissa!
the lines of grace shop includes hand-lettered prints of encouragement in both digital & print. she also has a fun happy mail society that invites you to subscribe for a small monthly fee. this happy mail society includes both a digital & print option with lots of fun surprises!
i love that melissa offers a digital print option in her shop.
her digital prints are such a good gift idea for friends during the holidays or just a little pick-me-up for an exhausted mama. gift this print to a handful of mamas & it’s only about $2 a person!
no need to buy an expensive frame! i purchase vintage clipboards at our thrift shop for less than $1 each. clip this print to a clipboard & it acts as the perfect frame.
with a cute homemade tag & fun fabric tied to the top, your mama friends will sure feel the love.
sweet melissa is kindly offering up a print of your choice & one month of happy mail society to one natalie creates reader. to enter, simply: