prepping for our workshop

friends, i am currently ear deep in assembling crafty supplies & canning goodies for the first ever freckled hen farmhouse EC workshop. 
these ladies took a leap of faith & said yes to my crazy dream. 
they’re coming to our farm, into our home & sharing the day with me. our space isn’t perfect. there’s dust in the corner & paint chipped cabinets. 
but my hope is that they will spend this day focused on their needs & wants. it will be a space for relaxing, creating, celebrating their home & coming away with a new skill. 
friends, i’ve got butterflies. 


  1. Lauren Hooker | 15th Aug 14

    Oh how I wish I lived closer! I love seeing sneak peeks of the preparation and I can't wait to hear how it goes 🙂

  2. Tekisha Cherne | 15th Aug 14

    Oh how I hope you do this again next year! If we didn't already have a trip planned for the end of August I would have been the first to sign up. I'm from Texas and I think it would be a great road trip with the bestie! I hope you have a blast and I can not wait to see your pictures!

  3. Madelyn | 15th Aug 14

    What adorable tags! I've been following your instagram posts about the goodies all your talented friends are sending you for the workshop! It seems like you ladies are gonna have tons of fun. Can't wait to see pictures. 🙂

  4. Kathrine | 15th Aug 14

    It's gonna me amazing! The first of many, I can tell. Make sure you take a little well deserved, celebratory rest afterwards 😉

  5. Allyn | 15th Aug 14

    Oh how I wish I was moving to Fayetteville BEFORE tomorrow. Oh well, if you do it again at least I will be there to sign up for next time!

  6. Nicolette Gawthrop | 21st Aug 14

    super fun!!!!! i need to come to the next one. i'm lost when it comes to canning and this looks like just he motivation!

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