July 23, 2014

a space to just be.

how do you recharge & relax? what makes your heart sing? 

how do you unwind & gather your thoughts? what inspires you to pour your all into your daily rhythm & tasks?

i think these are questions all of us should ask ourselves. 
i am often times surrounded by women who do not know the answer to these questions because they’re never really given the opportunity to explore what rejuvenates their soul, inspires their being & makes their heart sing. 
friends, we must leave space in our lives to relax & just be.
space to just be.

i am so thankful for my sweet friend, sara, who said yes to her dream & created the rosy retreat a space to just be. 

when i answer those questions centered around rejuvenating, lifting spirits & caring for myself best – i imagine a creative, relaxing, calm space with a group of like-minded girls. 
sara created just this. (bless you, sara.)

& she invited us to be a part of her dream. 

i left that evening with a full heart & a group of new girlfriends. i left with a handful of crafts, a pretty flower crown, some lovely photos & an inspired soul. 
friends, i said yes to a space that allowed me to just be so that i could leave & be so much more for my home.

what relaxes & inspires you? what makes your heart sing?
craft with your girlfriends or read a book. host a dinner party & eat on paper plates if you don’t like washing dishes. say yes to your dream & host a retreat for women. invite your tribe to coffee dates or go thrifting together. take a long nap or go for a long walk.
find a space that allows you to just be. 
