June 25, 2014

rest & renewal: girlfriend getaways

last weekend was one of those heart-filled up, laugh until you cry, memories made that we’ll talk about forever weekends. the ladies from our church community & i packed up & left for a night away.
we left our kiddos, jobs, housework, unread emails, responsibilities, stresses & worries with the promise of renewal & rest. 
we laughed & we cried. we played games & went shopping. oh how we ate & drank! we swam in the pool, relaxed in the hot tub & painted our nails. we chatted until the wee hours of the morning & woke up to more soul-filling conversation, coffee in hand.
we received that renewal & rest & so much more.
sisterhood. it’s important & it is so necessary. 
so often we get so deep in the thick of life that we forget to pour energy into those around us. we also forget that we – ourselves – need a break! just like a regular date night with our partners, we need that connection with our girlfriends. 

earlier this year i decided to start pouring energy & love into the ladies within our church community. i felt a lack of connection, due in part to my laziness, & i wanted to remedy that. my solution –  i began inviting these ladies to weekly coffee dates.  
don’t get me wrong, we are all so different – in our interests, our life seasons, our ages, our backgrounds, our politics & our beliefs – yet we bring so much to the table when we share our thoughts, perspectives & experiences. 
these early morning conversations among coffee & scones began growing & soon turned into a deep sisterhood. each week as we shared coffee together, it was evident that we all carried so many responsibilities as caretakers, homemakers, employers & employees, single parents, students, partners & wives. we needed a break together to rest & rejuvenate from the richness of our roles. 

do you plan regular getaways with your tribe? do you have that group of girlfriends in need of a break & craving rest? call them up right now & plan a weekend or just a night away! 
here are some ideas & tips for girlfriend retreats & getaways:
– plan in advance. it takes time to arrange childcare, take off work & plan your getaway. contact your gal pals well in advance & you’re more likely to have a successful, well-attended getaway.
– invite gals who are already connected to ensure an authentic, rich weekend. it could be women from your church, mothers from your play dates, old high school friends, or co-workers in your office.
– choose a retreat or getaway that’s affordable for everyone. we spent $50 each for gas, lodging & two meals. we kept fees low to ensure this retreat wasn’t a financial burden to anyone. have a conversation about your retreat ahead of time & agree on a budget. 
– use your resources! perhaps someone has a family cabin in the woods or a lake house. use your resources to find interesting, unique & affordable retreat locations. 
– mix it up. try different places for your retreats. if you stay at the beach during one retreat, plan a quiet getaway in the woods for another retreat. mixing up locations keeps the tradition fun for everyone!
– get away often. plan yearly or even seasonal retreats. with each retreat, your friendship will grow deeper & you’re sure to feel rejuvenated in your everyday roles if you frequently plan getaways. 

do you get away with your tribe of gal pals? i’d love to read your experiences, tips & ideas for girlfriend getaways!