my intention for sharing our story is that maybe you too are waiting for children (or maybe you do not want them at all) yet you feel broken or as if you’re missing out because you don’t have a house full.
friends, we are not missing out on life. in fact, we’re filling our house with memories & meaningful relationships. we’re growing in our love together & we’re growing as individuals with rich experiences & interests.
to those with children –
allow us into your story.
trust us with your littles.
let us read books to your children & hold your new babies.
invite us over to your mommy play dates. we need play dates, too.
drink coffee with us & join us for a girls’ weekend every once in awhile.
don’t apologize for your dirty house. we have dirty houses, too.
to those with & without children –
let us learn from each other & not divide.
let us not put each other down for having too much or not enough free time.
let us punch jealousy square in the face when it prevents us from savoring what we already have.
let us invite each other into our own struggles so we may find commonality & friendship.
let us listen more & speak less.