April 7, 2014

new growth, new chapter

this weekend was good. one of those weekends that leaves you thankful for this life & that you get to call it yours. life has been so hard recently. i haven’t shared that weight here for the simple fact that i want parts of my life to remain private for the sake of my family & for myself. thankfully i can feel a slight shift as if we’re turning a new page & coming out of the dark & a bit stronger, too. spring, you’re good for the soul.
the farmers’ market opened this weekend. i’m fairly certain our entire town was out & about at the market lingering in the warm sunshine, listening to music & purchasing the good stuff. we brought home a bouquet of flowers & an excitement for what’s to happen this season.

i love the newness of spring & the beauty of this season. new life, abundant growth, a new chapter – all around & also within. 
happy monday, friends. this week is a fresh start. let us embrace its possibility!