have you noticed the blog changes? i’m absolutely giddy about it. really, i get all teary-eyed just looking at my blog.
you see, i’ve been writing in this space for over six years. this blog is a piece of me. it holds a big ol’ place in my heart. this blog has stretched me in my writing skills & photography, captured a bunch of amazing moments, recorded our life story & has allowed me to make a ton of amazing friends along the way. this blog is basically my baby. & now it reflects who. i. am.
for so long i’ve just made do with the design believing it wasn’t so much about the design as much as it was about the content presented. well, i still believe that’s absolutely true, but there’s something so good about signing onto my blog & feeling good about all of it.
i can take absolutely no credit for my blog design. heather of life made lovely designed this glorious page & held my hand through the decision making process. she’s like a blog angel in my book.
i think i wrote something along the lines of, “i am looking for a space that is clean & fresh with pops of color. i want it to express my passions: my love for making a home, growing our farm, living a thrifty life & creating. vintage linens, mason jars with home canned preserves, paintbrushes & sewing machines. i’m a simplistic farm girl who likes rust. is that too much to ask?!!“
basically, she took my hot mess of an answer & created magic. clean, crafty, farm goodness magic. i love that girl.
& did you see the tabs?! you can now learn about my six years of blogging with the “about” tab & quickly get to our shop with just a click of a button. there’s also a page dedicated to our farm adventures with a link to our Facebook page, too. finally, i have a place to catalog our home improvement projects & house tours under the “our nest” tab. of course, i know y’all are all here for my homemaking tips. you can find those under the “homemaking” tab- tons of recipes, how to’s & the nitty gritty details of budgeting. dreams really do come true!
if you’ve been around for long enough, you know luke & i live within a very tight budget. for the past six years, i have been writing & blogging for absolutely free. i’ve made zero income from this endeavor. it has come from the heart & it will continue to do so.
to be completely honest, often the expenses of projects i complete & share on this blog come from our pockets. i’d love to supplement those expenses with income generated from my blog through six monthly sponsors. these sponsors will be small businesses, artists & companies i love & know you will, too. it’s just $10 for a small ad space & $20 for a large ad space. this is no get rich scheme! if you’re interested in my blogging adventures & would like to support what i do, click here & purchase an ad space today. yay!
seriously, friends. thanks for being a reader. i am humbled to my toes that you join me in this space, read about our lives, care about our stories, comment on posts, email me with encouraging words & cheer me along the way. you make life so good & i am thankful for you.
thank you! thank you! thank you!
look around, have fun & i cannot wait for what’s to come!
I am very excited for you! It has been so great to watch you grow and your blog! You are simply amazing, always honest and so loving – and I am happy to know you even if it's only through email!
I adore your new blog design. It's so uplifting and lovely!
27th Feb 14
The blog looks great! 😀
27th Feb 14
please keep me in mind, Natalie! when I start to sell my products online I will certainly buy one of those spots!!! I believe your readers are the type of people who would appreciate handmade cookie dough. 🙂
Manda Townsend | 25th Feb 14
Natalie! Oh my it's so beautiful and so very you. It's perfect. XOXO
Aneta Nina | 25th Feb 14
I am very excited for you! It has been so great to watch you grow and your blog! You are simply amazing, always honest and so loving – and I am happy to know you even if it's only through email!
XO Here's to a GREAT 2014 with your business!
shanna | 25th Feb 14
gorgeous, I love it!
denise | 25th Feb 14
natalie | 25th Feb 14
thanks so much, ladies! it has been so much fun. heather is one talented lady!
Danielle | 25th Feb 14
I LOVE the new look!
Susan | 25th Feb 14
Just so clean and gorgeous!! xo
Susan @SugarBeans.org
fullheartemptyhands | 26th Feb 14
It's beautiful!! 🙂
Anonymous | 26th Feb 14
Hi Natalie!
I adore your new blog design. It's so uplifting and lovely!
Anonymous | 27th Feb 14
The blog looks great! 😀
Jess | 27th Feb 14
please keep me in mind, Natalie! when I start to sell my products online I will certainly buy one of those spots!!!
I believe your readers are the type of people who would appreciate handmade cookie dough. 🙂
Joel & Joanna | 13th Mar 14
I love, love, LOVE the new look, Natalie!!! I'm so happy for you and wish you all he best 🙂