#dressinhappinessdaily // my get dressed & feel great project

it makes me giggle that i am about to write a post about fashion. actually, this post isn’t about that at all. it’s much bigger & more meaningful than the ever-changing trends & materialism of our culture.
you see, i’ve been working from home for almost two years now. often times i would get knee deep into emails by 8 am that i totally forgot to get dressed. this resulted in floral pj pants & yoga pants with a stained t-shirt all day, every day. 
this didn’t reflect who i was as an individual. i wasn’t that girl rarely showered & wearing the same dirty outfit with her hair in a bun. i knew that i loved myself more than that.
fast forward to the new year. i recognized that i needed change. as i began processing through this half-minded habit in my life, i knew that the only way to make this new habit stick would be to share with all of you. 

so i created a hashtag #dressinhappinessdaily & began sharing my get dressed & feel great project on instagram (@nataliecreates). it’s day 27 & i cannot tell you how transformative this project has been for my spirit, my work ethic, my soul & my life.
1. i feel pretty.
2. i feel ready for what’s ahead.
3. i feel capable.
4. i feel that i am worth it.

just some thoughts –
i don’t spend a ton of time on myself each morning. i usually braid my hair & put on clothing that makes me happy. 
i also haven’t spent that much money on this project. i bought two pairs of pants because i literally had zero pants that fit & one cardigan that you see in two of these photos. i mostly shop from thrift stores & i love that.
also, i have been surprised to find that i feel more satisfied with my closet than ever before. our budget is so limited that i often felt discouraged about my lack of clothing options. now i realize what’s in my closet & how i might utilize each piece to create something happy to wear. it’s fun & creative & resourceful. 
finally, i feel good about who i am. i have always struggled with self-image issues, wishing i were a certain size or believing that if i were 20 lb. lighter i would be happy. this practice has taught me to love myself right now & today

today isn’t too late to start! get up & get dressed, friends! & share your journey with me… #dressinhappinessdaily because you are worth it.
how do you practice self-love? please share!
p.s. once i began this project, i came across an amazing artist, kelly rae roberts, & her wear your joy project. this project is SO inspiring. make sure to check it out if you have a moment. 


  1. Kara @ Unusual Form | 27th Jan 14

    Alright…going to change out of my sweatshirt and gym pants.

  2. shayna | 27th Jan 14

    love this and love your hashtag. i am definitely guilty of getting up, getting my kids out of their pjs but rarely getting out of my own. thank you for inspiring us.

  3. fullheartemptyhands | 27th Jan 14

    I'm going to join you! For the last couple years, I've been working in an office with no dress code and now I'm working from home. I can definitely see that letting my appearance go has affected how I view myself. Here's to dressing in happiness! 🙂

  4. Hayley | 27th Jan 14

    I love, love, LOVE this idea! Thank you so much for continuing to be such an ispiration to your readers anf for sharing your journey with us 🙂 We love you!

  5. Molly | 27th Jan 14

    Great idea! I can see the merit in this, and could use it myself. Thanks for the motivation, Natalie. I'm new-ish to your blog, but have followed your IG and pinterest for a while. Thanks for sharing this and all the great inspiration. You're adorable!

  6. Jess | 27th Jan 14

    I love this project!!! I'm trying to infuse a lot more self-love into my life and this is also one way I practice it.
    Getting dressed for the day creates a huge improvement in my mood, how much I get done, and how I feel about myself. and like you, I've found so many new combinations in my wardrobe, and it's also become easier to get rid of things that don't fit or that I don't absolutely love.

  7. emcr1229 | 27th Jan 14

    I love this, I really do. I have let myself go, and hit a really low point back in December when I wore sweats to the office. I try to look at putting some effort into my appearance not only shows respect for other people, but shows I respect myself as well. 63 38289656

  8. Lori Arnold McFarlane | 27th Jan 14

    You should look into the October Dress Project in October too. I've done it the past two years – you wear the same dress every day of October, accessorizing it differently each day. It really helps you get creative with what you have, and to appreciate your wardrobe and the options each piece actually has. 🙂

  9. Unknown | 27th Jan 14

    This is awesome! You're so beautiful and radiant! Thanks for sharing a part of your life on here – it's very inspiring. 🙂

  10. Ali | 27th Jan 14

    Good on you! A few years ago, some of us who were feeling in a giant middle aged clothing rut did a similar thing on a private Flickr group (too shy to share freely, I guess). When I looked back at it today after reading your post, I see what a difference it made to me and my frame of mind.

    Truly, it's good for the psyche to pay attention to these things. Bravo you. Off to heed some of my own advice and find a scarf to brighten up the drab get up I have inflicted on myself today. I deserve to feel great.

  11. Cassy | 27th Jan 14

    Great post! I love all of your outfits. I get hung up on those last 15 pounds of baby weight and feel icky about it sometimes, but I should focus more on looking great and being happy with my body as it is. Thanks, Natalie!

  12. Anonymous | 27th Jan 14

    Giiirrrrrul u done inspired me, you were always good with all this kinda stuff. As long as you move towards what makes you happy youll always do good 🙂

    Gregg W.

  13. Kassie | 28th Jan 14

    I am new to your blog and love it! So inspiring!

  14. Sheila Johnson | 28th Jan 14

    LOL. I can totally relate. Sometimes I even leave the house in my p.j.s (albeit covered by a long winter coat!) It is super important to invest that energy into self care and appreciation- your post inspires me to think about this in a new and fresh way and to organize my closet to enhance the possibilities to dress in a way that makes me feel pretty.

  15. Holly | 28th Jan 14

    Ha! Kara!
    Polka FREAKING dots!

  16. Unknown | 29th Jan 14

    I couldn't agree more!

    (yesterday though, when – feeling like you – I wore a skirt instead of the usual jeans/jumper combo… I had sooooo many people asking me 'where I was going' that I got totally depressed.

    Am I really that bad that wearing a skirt to the school run is cause for gossip? Geeeshhh.

  17. Magic Bean | 29th Jan 14

    Gorgeous!! Must get myself out of jeans. And plait my hair too. But is 43 too old for pigtails???
    You look fabulous, Ax

  18. Kaylin Lydia | 31st Jan 14

    Wow!! I love this! I sometimes work from home and can completely relate.

  19. Jeannie | 1st Feb 14

    Awesome project!! And, I love the joy in your face in these photos! 🙂 Rowdy Kittens blog forwarded me over here, and your writing is great.

  20. SKDeal | 1st Feb 14

    Natalie, It's so lovely to see you smile at yourself in the camera. It's a beautiful thing you've started.

    Monica, We have the same issue at work. When someone dresses up in something other than jeans and a shirt that has less than two stains on it, everyone asks if they're either:
    A. Going to a job interview, or
    B. Going to a funeral.
    We're all friends, so it's not meant to be mean, but it does make you wonder. I try to remember this and just compliment them gently. Such as, "Oh, I love that dress" or "That necklace is gorgeous." The receiver is usually very excited about the compliment and will gladly tell the story behind their ensemble. And everyone gets to smile.

  21. rebecca | 1st Feb 14

    This is such a great project! I'll be participating, though probably not posting any pictures.g with making myself presentable. I'll be participating, though probably not posting any pictures. LOL! 🙂

  22. Book Dragon | 2nd Feb 14

    How awesome!

    yoga pants are not my friend
    yoga pants are not my friend
    yoga pants are not my friend. . . .

    Fine. Off to change

  23. Anonymous | 2nd Feb 14

    I love your look! You look fabulous! I too fret that I would look better with 10 fewer pounds, but then I thought the same thing 10 years ago when I weighed 15-20 pounds less, and then same thing last year when I weighed 10 pounds more.

    You've inspired me to go get that haircut I've been putting off for months! Right now!

    🙂 Liz

  24. Debbie | 14th Feb 14

    I found your post on Sara's blog and came to see for myself 🙂

    I love this post!

    Getting dressed "to the shoes" has always been my policy and it makes all the difference.

    You look great, by the way 🙂

  25. Kif | 22nd Sep 14

    I remember reading about this last winter when I too was working at home and feeling so inspired!

    Happy to have found your link again and I will be reminding myself of this – especially during the winter months when I really feel like hibernating and being lazy!

    Love your outfits – great colours!

  26. NataOlso | 30th Sep 14

    I love your red scarf!

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