it makes me giggle that i am about to write a post about fashion. actually, this post isn’t about that at all. it’s much bigger & more meaningful than the ever-changing trends & materialism of our culture.
you see, i’ve been working from home for almost two years now. often times i would get knee deep into emails by 8 am that i totally forgot to get dressed. this resulted in floral pj pants & yoga pants with a stained t-shirt all day, every day.
this didn’t reflect who i was as an individual. i wasn’t that girl rarely showered & wearing the same dirty outfit with her hair in a bun. i knew that i loved myself more than that.
fast forward to the new year. i recognized that i needed change. as i began processing through this half-minded habit in my life, i knew that the only way to make this new habit stick would be to share with all of you.
so i created a hashtag #dressinhappinessdaily & began sharing my get dressed & feel great project on instagram (@nataliecreates). it’s day 27 & i cannot tell you how transformative this project has been for my spirit, my work ethic, my soul & my life.
1. i feel pretty.
2. i feel ready for what’s ahead.
3. i feel capable.
4. i feel that i am worth it.
just some thoughts –
i don’t spend a ton of time on myself each morning. i usually braid my hair & put on clothing that makes me happy.
i also haven’t spent that much money on this project. i bought two pairs of pants because i literally had zero pants that fit & one cardigan that you see in two of these photos. i mostly shop from thrift stores & i love that.
also, i have been surprised to find that i feel more satisfied with my closet than ever before. our budget is so limited that i often felt discouraged about my lack of clothing options. now i realize what’s in my closet & how i might utilize each piece to create something happy to wear. it’s fun & creative & resourceful.
finally, i feel good about who i am. i have always struggled with self-image issues, wishing i were a certain size or believing that if i were 20 lb. lighter i would be happy. this practice has taught me to love myself right now & today.
today isn’t too late to start! get up & get dressed, friends! & share your journey with me… #dressinhappinessdaily because you are worth it.
how do you practice self-love? please share!
p.s. once i began this project, i came across an amazing artist, kelly rae roberts, & her wear your joy project. this project is SO inspiring. make sure to check it out if you have a moment.