kara is one of my closest friends. we sweat together at the gym almost daily. we talk about eating habits & what we’re making for dinner. we share a love of thrifting & we both have chickens. she’s one of my favorite people on this planet. she also happens to be the amazingly gifted maker behind arch+craft, jewelry inspired by architecture & traditional crafting techniques.
to say i am in love with her work might be an understatement. i own three necklaces & three pairs of earrings, people. it’s an addiction. an addiction i happily talk about & wear on the daily.
arch + craft inspires me. i love the balance of nature along with the straight lines & tiny details each piece holds. i can wear an arch + craft necklace with a basic tee & scarf or a fun dress on date night. they’re versatile & funky. naturally, the honey pieces are my very favorite. psst, a great valentine’s day gift!