simple advent candles diy

i recently posted our homemade advent candles on instagram & several had questions about them. they are super easy to make; it almost makes me giggle posting a how-to about them. of course, keeping with our traditions of use what you have & don’t spend an extra penny!, i thought i would share a quick little tutorial that might inspire you to do the same.

there is something so beautiful about lighting a candle each week in anticipation. it creates a feeling of warmth & allows us to slow down in the midst of the hustle & bustle of the holiday season. luke & i usually read a bit of scripture, share what we’re thankful for in this season & pray for those things heavy on our hearts. it’s a simple time & that’s honestly what we love about it.

i used what we already had on hand with the exception of the letter & number stickers i purchased at jo ann’s for half off. this project cost me a total of $2. 
i gathered up old jars all in the same size, string, white paper tags & stickers. i put one sticker on each tag & tied the tag to the jar with string. i placed simple white candles in each jar. i might have to replace  some of the candles throughout our time of advent, but i have a box of them so it’s not a problem. i love a simple, quick, meaningful project!

let me know if you do something similar at your home! do you have any traditions leading up to christmas? please share!


  1. Anonymous | 5th Dec 13

    really cute!

  2. shayna | 5th Dec 13

    love this! it's so easy to get caught up with the busy-ness of the season, such a great way to slow down and focus on what matters.
    thanks for sharing~s.

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