december goals + a little something extra

in december 2013, i will:
– share our holiday season with YOU!
– exude confidence.
– be kind to myself & others.
i am so very excited for this winter month & season of advent! november was indeed wonderful. i worked hard to prep for december, but there was still much needed rest. our budget didn’t allow for as many balanced lunches as i had hoped, but we did succeed in being thankful with our handy thankful jar. it’s still out just in case we want to add to it during this month of winter magic.
as for december, it was difficult to narrow it down to just three goals. there are so many thoughts swirling through my head, but these i find to be the most significant & meaningful. first up, i will share our holiday season with you! i have blog posts lined up to share how we celebrate the holidays well with our budget in mind. i hope to share some bits of tradition, elfing & money saving tips! i am also excited to offer a handful of giveaways from some amazing small shops throughout the month. {don’t forget about monday’s giveaway!}
i will also exude confidence. this year we are participating in two craft shows. we have completely re-branded our little handmade business & it’s honestly a bit scary. thoughts continue to creep in telling me i am not good enough. at the end of the day, i am gently reminded that i was made to create & i can only strive to be a better me each day. this month i will exude confidence in who i am & what i create. 
finally, i will be kind to myself & others. pinterest often reminds us of what we are not doing & what we really should be doing. if only we purchased that glitterly gift wrap, our gifts would be better received. blowing the budget, staying up late, fretting over what we don’t have can sometimes lure me into a bad december. this month i will be kind to myself & others. instead of focusing on things that don’t really matter, we want to direct our attention to others through random acts of kindness. it’s the season of advent & i hope to live in that peace this month.
and of course – a little something extra…

each month throughout this year, i have kept three goals in mind. yet, as luke & i live day-to-day, we find we are missing out on the beauty of each season with our to do lists & busy schedules. during the winter season we tend to get a little down around january 15th after the christmas festivities & the hype of new years goals have passed. 
there is still so much meaning to be found in the winter! i recently read a quote that said, “what we allow is what will continue.” it’s so true! so we have written down a good list of what we hope to allow this winter season.

beside the twinkling tree, our little list awaits! thoughts of cookies to neighbors, sledding in the snow, hiking through the woods & curling up next to the wood burning stove while knitting will be sure to bring us through the winter months!
what are your goals for december {and throughout the winter months!}? please share!


  1. Unknown | 4th Dec 13

    I used to hate january for the reason you mentioned, but now I find myself looking forward to it. I'm excited for slowing down, for family board games, for sleep-overs, for exploring wintry beaches.
    your to-do list looks great, with regards to visuals and content.

  2. kelsies888 | 4th Dec 13

    I like the L and N made out of journals, very cute idea!

  3. Kelly | 4th Dec 13

    Your post is right where I want to be and striving for… Thanks for sharing…. I to have come to appreciate the winter much more than i use to… Be thankful for each season…

  4. Emily | 4th Dec 13

    -Exude confidence! I love that one. Bought coffee for the person behind me last week, and it felt so good. Giving = joy. xo

  5. Jenny V | 4th Dec 13

    "Comparison is the thief of joy" This quote is a good reminder. You are truly an inspiration to so many! It's so easy to get caught up in the crafty comparision game. I am also re-calculating my creative energies and you put it perfectly : your path is to create. Create authenticity and warmth in all you do!

    I am very glad I have found your instagram feed. You bring such a warm sense of compassion and a humble nature to your pictures. I really admire you.

    Anyways, just thought I would share that instead of just absorbing your wonderful blog.

    Warm wishes – Jenny V. 🙂

  6. jo | 5th Dec 13

    Once I began to think of January + February as months dedicated to creation, they became much more tolerable. The sewing that can be done! The crafting that can be had! I'm often bummed that the joy of the holiday season has passed, but do my best to manifest that joy in my home. I think of it as somewhat of a slow, deliberate start to prepare our nest for the bustle of the rest of the year.

    It's also when I start restlessly perusing the Baker seed catalog, read books on chickens (my dream) and horticulture, and start a hundred different colored pencil sketches of our garden. *That* feeling is hard to shake… the eagerness to get the spring here.

    I wish you so much luck and peace in these next few months.


  7. shayna | 5th Dec 13

    we definitely need to be more intentional with how we spend our days leading up to christmas. thanks for sharing your list 🙂

  8. Katie | 6th Dec 13

    Loved this post! I loved your point about being kind not only to others, but to myself. So many years, I've bitten off more than I can chew at Christmas time, and this year, I'm attempting to only take on what I can handle.

    I'm in my last year of Graphic Design school, and we're expecting our first baby the first week of May, so the next few months are going to be extremely busy. I'm attempting to make some small fun goals for each month to keep from getting too anxious (and wintertime shack-happy!). Thanks for the inspiration.

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