in august, we moved & began the first stages of settling into our new home. i took a break from blogging for a couple of weeks to focus on my surroundings. i didn’t set my mind to three specific goals for the month & i really felt it. i felt scattered & pulled in too many directions. september is already feeling much more balanced & focused.
in september, i will savor the end of summer. like most years, this summer just slipped by too quickly. for now, we are visiting the farmers’ markets for big bouquets of zinnias, taking daily walks around the farm, harvesting overflowing baskets of summer vegetables & herbs, inviting friends over for evenings on the back porch & savoring this simple time.
this month i will connect with new friends. on a whim & without even checking my calendar, i signed up for a be crafty workshop in tulsa. i always love a good workshop that connects me with fellow crafters who have an online presence. it’s exciting to meet fabulous women across the state who share your same passions. i am excited!… & a wee bit nervous!
finally, i plan to nest this month. there are so many projects that i want to do & with a budgeted amount, i plan to tackle a handful of those projects. i hope to share my progress this month!
what are your goals for the month of september? please share!