buffalo river adventures

oh, what a wonderful, relaxing, peaceful trip we had on the buffalo river this past weekend! we packed on wednesday evening & headed out mid afternoon on thursday. we arrived to our primitive camp site just in time for a swim, a beer near the river & to set-up our little home for the night. the trip was roughly around four days with two days of canoeing. we traveled eighteen miles by canoe & kayak with all of our gear, stopping in the evening & setting up camp along the bank. it was pure river bliss!
i thought i would share some of the highlights of our trip- many jumps from the rocks with dear friends,  hours of happy thoughts as we paddled, some negative words shared among the married couple (ahem) until we found our rhythm on the water (we still love each other, i promise!), hot dogs roasting near the fire, games, books, naps, warm meals & many more memories made. 
we are definitely not camping or canoeing experts, but i thought it might be fun to share some of our camping tips this week on the blog. i am excited to share our favorite meals & gear. i will also host a little giveaway on wednesday so stay tuned! happy summer, friends!


  1. Anonymous | 8th Jul 13

    Looks like fun!

  2. Cassy | 8th Jul 13

    Beautiful weekend for it. Lovely pics.

  3. Unknown | 8th Jul 13

    Beautiful, peaceful river relaxation vacation.

  4. Deanna | 8th Jul 13

    Yay – looking forward to the tips as our family is camping soon too!

  5. Stephanie | 8th Jul 13

    Awesome. I love to hear what others do. My husband and I just did a week at the BWCA. Awesome.

  6. Anonymous | 8th Jul 13

    We've done similar camping trips/canoe trips on the Wisconsin River. Camping out on sand bars. So much fun when our kids were young and doing it with groups of friends!! Your trip brings back good memories!

  7. Misti | 8th Jul 13

    Looks like an excellent weekend…and I'm a bit jealous mine wasn't that adventurous.

  8. Chelsea | 9th Jul 13

    Beautiful pictures, Natalie! Love from San Diego 🙂

  9. shari | 9th Jul 13

    this looks like so much fun. looking forward to reading your camping tips. we're going on another big trip to maine in september.

  10. mandi | 10th Jul 13

    This looks wonderful! I've always wanted to do a canoe/camping trip. We definitely will when the kids are a little older and we don't have to pack so much business!

  11. Charity | 20th Aug 13


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